The discovery of america
The discovery of America expression is commonly used to refer to the arrival in America of an Spanish Expeditionary group, representing the Catholic monarchs, sailed from the port of Palos, commanded by Christopher Columbus, who arrived on Friday, October 12, 1492 to an island called Guanahani. -
CRISTOPHER Columbus discovered a new continent
The trip was not easy for anyone, there was in fact conatuses mutiny, but thanks to the presence and the leadership of Martín Alonso Pinzón managed to resolve these situations. When had already exhausted all the calculations and forecasts made by Columbus, the famous cry of Rodrigo de Triana was heard from La Pinta "land in sight!", two hours after midnight on October 12. -
The caravels
They were only two caravels, La Pinta and the Niña. The third ship that participated in the discovery of America was one nao, another type of larger vessel. It was called Maria Galante, but Columbus renamed it Santa María. -
cristobal colon
He made four trips to American soil. His first expedition departed on August 3, 1492, from the port of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), arriving at Guanahani (today in the Bahamas Islands) on October 12 of that year. This fact prompted decisively the global expansion of Europe and colonization by various European powers much of the American continent and its inhabitants.