The Development of Tourism in Bhutan

By anto711
  • Bhutan opens up to tourists

    In 1974, only 300 tourists visited Bhutan.
  • Bhutan gets Internet and TV

    Tourism was a major factor in introducing modern technology, such as the Internet, mobile phones and television, into Bhutan.
  • First democratic elections in Bhutan

    After transitioning from an absolute monarchy to a parliamentary democracy, Bhutan held their first elections in March 2008
  • New tourism records

    In 2011, 64,000 international tourists travelled to Bhutan. In that year, tourism was Bhutan's second highest export, earning just under $US50 million and accounting for 10% of the GDP at the time. Despite this, 30% of the population were living below the poverty line, and youth unemployment was on the rise.
  • Bhutan's tourism industry today

    As the years pass, more and more people are being allowed into what used to be one of the most isolated countries in the world. More airline routes are being created, and jobs are being created for the Bhutanese people too. It is promoted as a year round destination, contrasting greatly to many South- East Asian countries which are affected by monsoon season and extreme weather patterns at certain times of the year. Geotourism is also a focal point of the Bhutanese Government's tourism agenda.