The Development of the Transcontinental Railroad

By gt14271
  • Gold

    President James K. Polk announces the abundance of gold in California.
  • First board of Directors

    6 men organized themselves as the first board of directors of the centural Pacific railroad company.
  • Law is Passed

    Law is Passed
    President Lincholn signs the Pacific Railroad Act into law. The bill charters the Central Pacific and the Unuon Pacific raillroad companies to build a railroad from Omaha, Nebraska to Sacromento. Each company receives 6,400 acres of land and $48,000 in bonds per mile built.
  • Starting construction

    Starting construction
    The Central Pacific started construction in the Sierra Nevada mountains.
  • Union Pacific

    Union Pacific workers spiked the first rail in Omaha Nebraska, near the Missouri River.
  • Summit tunnel completed

    Summit tunnel completed
    Central Pacific workers using nitroglyerin manufactured on-site complete the 1,659 foot long Summit Tunnel, a task that took 15 months to complete
  • First passenger train

    First passenger train
    First passenger train from Sacremento arrives in Reno, Nevada crossing the Sierrra Nevada mountain range.
  • Promentory point

    Promentory point
    The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific meet together at promentory point in 1869.
  • First bullet train

    First bullet train
    worlds first bullet train