
The Development of The Periodic Table

By pha191
  • 330

    The Four Element Theory [330 BC]

    Aristotle proposed the four element theory which consisted of: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
  • 440

    The Idea of An Atom [440 BC]

    Democritus and Leucippus propose the idea of an atom which they believe is an invisible particle in which everything is made up of.
  • The Scientific Method

    Sir Francis Bacon published 'The proficience and advancement of learning' which contained a description of what would later be known in future as 'The Scientific Method'.
  • Phosphorous is Discovered!

    Hennig Brand attempted to create a Philosopher's Stone; an object which could turn metals into gold. He heated residues and a liquid dropped out and burst into flames. This was the discovery of Phosphorous.
  • Joseph Black and Carbon Dioxide

    Joseph Black isolated Carbon Dioxide and referred to it as 'fixed air'.
  • The Isolation of Oxygen

    Carl Wilhelm Scheele and Joseph Priestly isolate the element of Oxygen
  • The Discovery of Hydrogen!

    Henry Cavendish discovered Hydrogen and describes it as a colourless, odourless gas that burns and can form an explosive mixture with air.
  • The First List of Elements

    Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first list of elements which contained 33 elements and identified the metals and non-metals.
  • The Dalton Law

    John Dalton proposed the 'Dalton Law' which describes the relationship between the components in a mixture of the gases.
  • Atomic Weights and Letter Symbols

    Jakob Berzilius developed a table of atomic weights and introduced letters to symbolise different elements.
  • Simple Groups of Elements

    Johann Dobereiner developed groups of 3 elements with similar properties
  • Arranging the Elements

    John Newlands arranged the known elements in order of atomic weights and observed some similarities between different elements.
  • The Discovery of the Noble Gases

    William Ramsay discovered the Noble Gases.
  • The Source of Radio Activity

    Ernest Rutherford discovered the source of radioactivity as decaying atoms
  • The Modification of the Atomic Law

    Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each of the elements and modified the 'Periodic Law'.
  • Transuranic Element

    Glenn Seaborg synthesised transuranic elements which are all the elements after Uranium.
  • Neptunium

    Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson identify neptunium, the lightest and first synthesized transuranium element, found in the products of uranium fission.