Temple square

The Development of Temple Square

  • Brigham Young's arrival in Salt Lake

    Brigham Young's arrival in Salt Lake
    Maps out Temple Square, originally 40 acres, later reduced to 10 acres
  • Surrounding Wall Built

    Surrounding Wall Built
    Image Source1st structure, make work for immigrants. Various temporary buildings also put into place.
  • Old Tabernacle Erected

    Old Tabernacle Erected
    The Old Tabernacle was on the site of the current Assembly Hall.
  • Temple Design Begins

    Temple Design Begins
  • Beehive House Built

    Beehive House Built
    Brigham Young to accomodate family
  • Endowment House dedicated

    Endowment House dedicated
    Now the NW visitor center.
  • Lion House Built

    Lion House Built
    Brigham Young accomodates family
  • Construction for the New Tabernacle Begins

    Construction for the New Tabernacle Begins
  • New Tabernacle Gallery Addition

    New Tabernacle Gallery Addition
    Gallery addition fixes acoustics.
  • Assembly Hall

    Assembly Hall
    Built of cast off stone from temple
  • Salt Lake City Temple Completed

    Salt Lake City Temple Completed
    Walls taper from base 8' to 6' thick at top granite
  • Hotel Utah Built

    Hotel Utah Built
  • Relief Society Building Built

    Relief Society Building Built
    Women from around the world donated funds to construct it. Headquarters for RS, YW, and Primary
  • Chuch Building Office Built

    Chuch Building Office Built
    Started construction in 1962.
  • Church History Museum Built

    Church History Museum Built
    Opened April 4
  • Family History Library Built

    Family History Library Built
    Had many locations before, est. 1894
  • Hotel Utah converted to Joseph Smith Memorial Building

    Hotel Utah converted to Joseph Smith Memorial Building
    Converted from Hotel Utah
  • Conference Center Opens

    Conference Center Opens
  • Church History Library Built

    Church History Library Built
    Houses church history materials
  • City Creek Built

    City Creek Built