Modren tech

The development of Technology since the priting press

  • 1200

    Origen of the priting press

    Origen of the priting press
    Printing is a mechanical method intended to reproduce texts and images on paper, vellum, cloth or other material. In its classic form, it consists of applying an ink, generally oily, on some metal pieces (types) to transfer or engrave it by pressure. Although it began as an artisanal method, its implementation in the mid-15th century brought with it a gigantic cultural revolution.
  • Period: 1200 to 1500


    Around 1440, Johannes Gutenberg invented the modern printing press with movable type. This milestone allowed for greater dissemination of knowledge in Europe. Since the 15th century, printing techniques have changed greatly. We review the evolution of the printing press to the present.
  • Period: 1250 to 1500


    Later, in 1234, in present-day Korea, craftsmen during the Koryo dynasty, aware of Chinese advances with movable type, created a set of metal movable type, which anticipated the modern printing press, but was rarely used.
  • 1448

    The first book

    The first book
    The first book that Gutenberg printed with movable type in the West was the Constance Missal, between the years 1449 and 1450, although his masterpiece was The 42-Line Bible. This book, also known as The Gutenberg Bible, began to be printed in 1452 and is part of the incunabula that existed until the year 1500, marking the beginning of the age of the printing press.
  • Technology

    u dimensión ética. Oscar Varsavsky (1920 – 1976) fue uno de los científicos y tecnólogos argentinos que, ya en los años 60, afrontaba este tema como un aspecto insoslayable de la tecnología. La obra de Varsavsky, publicada por primera vez en 1974, se centra en uno de los desafíos más acuciantes en la historia de la ciencia y la tecnología de los países en desarrollo, como lo es la definición de un estilo propio de producción de tecnología.