Period: to
The Colonial Period
Musical Influences
During the Dutch Colonial Era slaves from the east and indigenous tribes were influenced by westernized music and ways of thinking. http://thedutchgoldenage.nl/onewebstatic/eaba0ce385-DutchEmpire15%20Africa.png -
The Ramkie
The indigenous tribe, Khoi-Khoi developed the musical instrument called the Ramkie. It was similar to the guitar and consisted of three or four strings. The Ramkie was used to combine the sounds of the Khoi-Khoi and western folk music. https://gtpmagesandsoundsofmycountrysep13.pbworks.com/f/IS1-image-2.jpg -
The Mamokhorong
The Mamokhrong was also developed by the Khoi-Khoi tribe. It was a single string violin used for traditional Khoi Khoi music. It was also popular for dances held in colonial towns. https://www.google.com/search?q=the+mamokhorong&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1280&bih=548&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3yb7-rJ7OAhXMRSYKHXtMBQIQ_AUICCgD#imgrc=_fOLPkKJyR_8WM%3A -
Period: to
The 1700s
The Slave Orchestra
Around 1676 the Governor of colonial South Africa had a slave orchestra that performed for his entertainment and others as well. The orchestra performed western style music. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=slave+orchestra+south+africa&view=detailv2&&id=0E153F1505C84F66C3974592B20D550772A984F1&selectedIndex=3&ccid=IaHwyl5O&simid=608027332799890329&thid=OIP.M21a1f0ca5e4efc04a72824fa4dbe3e79o0&ajaxhist=0 -
Period: to
1800s: Musical Expansion
Parade Bands
Around the 1820s mixed race musicians performed in bands throughout the streets of cape town. It was soon transformed into a tradition and continues on in the present day https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=south+african+music+parades&view=detailv2&&id=D0F4F9620D49C3D95EEBB75467104166149ABCD1&selectedIndex=5&ccid=UQ1aHC4K&simid=608027444476776134&thid=OIP.M510d5a1c2e0a103c49f61e32a9ba6c3eo0&ajaxhist=0 -
Traveling Minstrel Shows
During the 1860's traveling minstrel shows started to visit South Africa. These groups sang gospel songs from the American south . Many South Africans fell under the influence of this Music and
absorbed it into their own culture. Choirs were made and competitions were held amongst them. https://www.google.com/search?q=south+african+choir&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp0tq1uJ7OAhWLOiYKHd_jAlsQ_AUICSgC&biw=1280&bih=548#imgrc=rgyTJcKbtXtLyM%3A -
Marabi Music
During the 1890s a style of music called Marabi, developed in South Africa. There was an increase of black South Africans in mining centers, so Marabi developed in the slums surrounding these mining centers. The Marabi sound was used to make the people dance and let loose. It was played on pianos and pebble filled cans. It later developed into South African Jazz. http://v1.sahistory.org.za/pages/library-resources/onlinebooks/Luli/Working-Life/Images/8/traditional-music.jpg -
Orpheus McAdoo and The Virginia Jubilees
Orpheus McAdoo and The Virginia Jubilees were the most popular performers of the traveling minstrel shows. They toured South Africa continuously and made African American spirituals popular in the 1890s. -
The South African National Anthem
In 1897 Enoch Sontonga composed the hymn "Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika", which translates to God bless Africa. It would later become The South African National Anthem during the era of apartheid. http://zar.co.za/images/bio/sontonga/enochb.jpg -
Period: to
The 1900s: International Emergence
In 1912 Popular South African Music used commercial recording for the first time. http://musicindustry.eku.edu/sites/musicindustry.eku.edu/files/imagecache/page_header_preset/page_header_images/img_0373.jpg -
Recording Industry
In the 1930s recording industries became popularized because of broadcast radio aimed specifically at African audiences. http://factmag-images.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/640_stylus-close-up-vinylsales-4.9.20131.jpg -
Eric Gallo
In 1933 a good number of South African Musicians were were sent to London to record for "Singer Records". They were sent by Eric Gallo's Brunswick Gramophone House. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-VN-4JnTksFs/VZqhc_Z6r4I/AAAAAAAArzA/p6fbjBmnmZs/s400/Gallo%2Brec%2Bco._post_detail.jpg -
Kwela Music
South African music made an international name for itself through Kwela Music. Kwela music was under the influence of the past Marabi style of music. The main instrument used for this style of music was the penny whistle. It was a cheap and affordable option https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d9/Tin_Whistles.jpg -
"Ace Blues"
The song "Ace Blues" was performed by Spokes Mashiyane and it became the biggest African hit of the year. The song also led penny whistle to become a mainstream genre https://www.google.com/search?q=spokes+mashiyane&client=safari&rls=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjsoLP_757OAhUKLSYKHVwSAp0Q_AUICigD&biw=1280&bih=548 -
Sophiatown Modern Jazz Club
In 1955 a group of jazz musicians joined together to create the Sophiatown Modern Jazz Club. The club held gatherings and from this bebop groups were born and other famous Jazz musicians. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sophia+town+jazz+&view=detailv2&&id=0F4E37804C22CFFDD4D7698FB606B8FD74321AD4&selectedIndex=0&ccid=tVA12%2fJC&simid=608030330688506136&thid=OIP.Mb55035dbf2425ff564eb9acb219da31bH0&ajaxhist=0 -
"Tom Hark" and Jazz LPs
In the year 1959 Elias Lerole recorded "Tom Hark". It became a hit around the world. The first two South African jazz LPs were also created in 1959. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zKz5kpqctV0/hqdefault.jpg -
Abdullah Ibrahim
The South African Abdullah Ibrahim went overseas for the first time in 1962. This musician met Duke Ellington who he impressed. Duke Ellington then sponsored Ibrahim's first recordings. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=abdullah+ibrahim&FORM=AWIR -
Freedom's Children
The band Freedom's Children was established in 1966. Their style of music was similar to acid rock music in America. http://www.rock.co.za/files/fc.jpg -
"Four Jacks and a Jill"
The band "Four Jacks and a Jill" became one of the most successful South African rock bands in the late 60's. http://e.snmc.io/lk/f/l/42a91a421b6ca2a4af08e191e4c57216/4354564.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FE03K9jrgo4/hqdefault.jpg -
First Gold Record
In the year 1973, Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Joseph Shabalala released their first album. The album was called "Amabutho" and it was the first gold record by black musicians in South Africa. http://www.singers.com/world/worldimages/LadysmithWarnerBr200.gif -
Disco Introduction
In 1975 American Disco made its way to South African soil. Disco beats were made an addition to South African soul music. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zIlyfDUJB0c/T4tJTpYMHfI/AAAAAAAAAd8/fb6erIvd95c/s1600/Disco%2BSoul.jpg -
Rebellion by Music
Many young South Africans were in rebellion against apartheid. Around 1976 a counterculture was created in regard to this. Music was used as a means to express arguments against apartheid. http://www.blackactivistzine.org/BuryApartheidsm.jpg -
A Taste Of Reggae
Jamaican musician, Bob Marley held a concert celebrating Zimbabwe's independence in 1980. His presence brought much of Africa under the influence of Reggae, which spread into South Africa. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FEQTqcsINe8/TIukleoWOfI/AAAAAAAAAMw/23KMKfvDn9Q/s1600/bob-marley.jpg -
Yvonne Chaka Chaka
In 1984, South African native, Yvonne Chaka Chaka rose with her hit song, "I'm In Love With A Dj". http://www.last.fm/music/Yvonne+Chaka+Chaka -
"Artists United Against Apartheid"
In the year 1985, fifty four American pop artists named "Artists United Against Apartheid" released the song "Sun City". The song argued against the usage of apartheid in South Africa. The song was nominated for a Grammy and raised over one million dollars for the anti-apartheid cause in South Africa. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t_JO-XeV0ow/hqdefault.jpg -
Vusi Ximba's Siyakudamisa
The album Vusi Ximba's Siyakudamisa was released in 1992. It was one of the most traditional albums of the 20th century. http://static.raru.co.za/cover/2014/04/18/98106-l.jpg?v=1397775600 -
A Liberalized Nation
IN 1994 the media of South Africa media became liberal and new musical styles came with it. Kwaito, which was a style of South African hip hop became popular. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Xiet-wYGiRY/TlpunkSW3ZI/AAAAAAAAATk/afAjVZH0UR0/s1600/kwaito.jpg -
Period: to
The 2000s: Apartheid Free Music
In the 21st century South African Music has grown fairly popular around the world. As of today the Kwaito Style of music dominates South Africa. The South African Music Industry is still growing today.