The Development of Modern America (1877-1913)

  • The End of the Reconstruction Era

    The End of the Reconstruction Era
    During the election of President Hayes, there was contention between the south and north which lead to the compromise of 1877 which effectively ended the reconstruction era and lead to the creation of Jim Crow laws. The compromise was that the south would accept Hayes as the president as long as the north withdrew its troop on the promise that the south would keep African Americans safe and treat them as normal citizens.
  • American Bar Association Created

    American Bar Association Created
    The American Bar Association is created which is a group of lawyers whose mission is, "Our mission is to serve equally our members, our profession and the public by defending liberty and delivering justice as the national representative of the legal profession."
  • Invention of the Lightbulb

    Invention of the Lightbulb
    Thomas Edison patented the incandescence Lightbulb which was an invention that created light from a film inside a glass bulb that lasted for 1200 hours.
  • The Carlisle Indian Industrial School

    The Carlisle Indian Industrial School
    Located in the Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania, a civil war veteran creates a Native American Boarding school with the motto "Kill the Indian, Save the Man" where Native American children were forced to wear white man's clothes, speak in English, and practice Christianity. 24 more schools were created under this model.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Due to an increase in Chinese immigrants entering the US workforce, the Federal Government created a suspension on Chinese immigrants for 10 years to create more jobs for American workers.
  • Creation of the American Red Cross

    Creation of the American Red Cross
    The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton with the mission to serve people in need. She was inspired to start the organization after visiting Europe following the Civil War and seeing the Swiss-inspired Global Red Cross. Link text
  • World's First Hydroelectric Plant Begins Operation

    World's First Hydroelectric Plant Begins Operation
    The world's first hydroelectric power plant was created on September 30th, 1882 in Appleton, Wisconsin. The plant later on would produce enough power for the plant, a nearby building, and the home of the owner. Hydroelectric would later be established as a predominate source of the power in the United States, powering up to 1/3 of the country's power.
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridge was an amazing creation the connect New York to Brooklyn and was the tallest structure in the western hemisphere at the time. It was dubbed the 8th wonder of the world because it was just so impressive for its time.
  • The Civil Rights Cases of 1883

    The Civil Rights Cases of 1883
    The US Supreme Court viewed 5 different civil rights cases which were about African Americans being discriminated against in public places like hotels, restaurants, and Theaters. The US Supreme Court stated that this kind of discrimination was okay because the 14th amendment only applies to states and not privately owned businesses.
  • The Rock Springs Massacre

    The Rock Springs Massacre
    In The Rock Springs Massacre, a group of white coal-miners attacked a group of their Chinese co-workers when establishing which part of the group was allowed to enter certain areas of the mine in Rock Springs, Wyoming. As a result of the Chinese miners going on strike, a riot occurred and resulted in the killing of 28 Chinese workers.
  • Charleston Earthquake of 1886

    Charleston Earthquake of 1886
    In the old city of Charleston, South Carolina, an earthquake that damaged or destroyed the majority of the structures in the city occurred in 1886. The overall damage from the earthquake caused 60 deaths and around 5-6 million dollars under current economic standards. This event was significant due to the magnitude of the seismic waves being one of the highest recorded in North American history.
  • Dawes Severalty Act

    Dawes Severalty Act
    In an attempt to assimilate Native Americans into the dominant culture, President Cleveland signs the Dawes Severalty Act which takes away tribal control over reservation lands and instead separates the land into individual holdings. While the Act did gives land to Native Americans, 62% of the land was given to white people.
  • The Great Blizzard of 1888

    The Great Blizzard of 1888
    During the winter of 1888, over two and a half feet fell in New York State, which ultimately created drifts of snow that reached up to twenty feet for four days. As the infrastructure at the time could not withstand such amounts of snow, towns around the state were forced to shut down for two days, killing over 400 people as a result of lack of heating.
  • Wyoming Becomes the 44th State in the Union

    Wyoming Becomes the 44th State in the Union
    On July 10th, 1890, an act of Congress was put into place creating the State of Wyoming. As this state would become the first to allow women to vote, the creation of this state would become important no more than a year after the state would be the first with women's suffrage.
  • The Tesla Coil Design is Patented

    The Tesla Coil Design is Patented
    Over the year of 1891, Nikola Tesla, the creator of the Tesla Coil, would go on to patent his creation in order to produce low current/high frequency alternating current electricity. As his invention would go on to help create inventions like the X-Ray, the patent of the design of the Tesla Coil was critical for the future of scientific inventions.
  • The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893

    The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893
    This event was held to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of the New World. It was held in Chicago and greatly impacted the architecture of the city as well as its standing as a great American city. Link text
  • Gare Montparnasse Station Derailment and Train Wreck

    Gare Montparnasse Station Derailment and Train Wreck
    This notorious train wreck occurred in Paris, France in 1895 when a train crew was attempting to make up lost time but received a faulty brake in their train. As a result, the train went through the large train station wall and fell 33ft onto the nearby street. However, surprisingly, only one person died as a result of the crash due to the oncoming debris of the train.
  • The Flight of the Wright Glider in 1900

    The Flight of the Wright Glider in 1900
    In October 1900, the Wright Brothers would test the first unmanned glider, which would later become the very first glider with the ability to carry a person's weight. As this invention would become the first of various prototypes of the modern-day airplane, this event would become incredibly important for modern technology relating to flight transportation.
  • Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity is Created

    Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity is Created
    In the year 1905, Einstein's equation "E= mc^2" was formulated after he discovered the Theory of Relativity. This event would become vital for the modern-day understanding of how time and space work together.
  • Harriet Tubman Dies

    Harriet Tubman Dies
    On March 10th, 1913, Harriet Tubman was buried with military rites at Fort Hill Cemetery due to pneumonia. As Harriet Tubman is declared now as an anti-slavery hero, it is important to honor her and her day of death. Her last words to those who were nearby were, "I go to prepare a place for you".
  • The Start to the Gandhi's "Great March"

    The Start to the Gandhi's "Great March"
    On November 6th at 6:30am, Gandhi led a march that 2,037 men, 127 women, and 57 children were involved in for Indian civil rights in South Africa. As the event would later have Gandhi arrested for crossing the boarder and leading a march for peace, this march would be ingrained into mindsets around the world, especially in powerful countries like the United States.