The development of immperialism 1857-1890

  • colonial office establ

    william pitt the younger- was combined witht he war office until 1854 but then seperated
  • slave trade outlawed

    by then 3 mill slaves had been traded, arabs and others still had slave trade
  • durham report

    responsible government in all settler colonies.
    gbr govenors ruled with support of representitive assemblies
  • canada responsible gov in 1840

    as per the durham report
  • livingstone discov lake ngomi

  • steam ships

    can transport heavy goods, consumed less coal
    reduced the time of traavel to africa by 3 weeks
  • aus responsbl gov

    as per durham report
  • substanance farming

    tea plantation 1 in 1851 to 295 by 1871
  • new south wales gold discov

    £25 mill
  • zambezi river discovd livingstone

  • south kensington exhibition

    bought over 38 coutries and 28,000 exhibitions
    sometimes they bought back people
    had over 7000 exhibits on india alone
    1/3 of pop visited- queen victoria super prud wrote to her uncle of how this is truly an enriching religious experience
  • westward of wanda

    livingstone discovered zambezi falls which he renamed victoria falls for the queen
  • war office

    was seperated from colonial office 1854, divided into 5 departements, africa, mediteranean, north america, aus and west indies
  • clipper ships

    were faster, low volume, high profit ships that transported opium, tea and spice.
    newspapers recorded the times of these.
    broken after 20 yrs.
  • nzlnd responsble gov

    as per durham report
  • william mackinnon

    began trading 1856, bay of bengal, made calcutta and berma steam navigation
  • railroad track ind dvlpm

    by 1857 there was 288 miles but by 1890 there was 20,000
  • incrsd education ind

    make wogs- esternised oriental gents,
    mayo college, bomay cathedral, rajkumar college
    30yrs after 60,000 inds in uni most arts but 2000 in law
  • most of african empire mapped out

    but the eu countries were kept on the coast due to many reasons, diseases-combatted with making of quinine to combat malaria, difficult rivers and waterways which they couldn't manage- industrial revol made better ships e.g. clipper ships and steam ships
  • brit presence limited till 2nd half of 19th cent

    sierra leone, cape colony, west africa, river niger
  • control agaisnt inds

    taxes- vry high esp on salt, used to preserve food, built a 1,100 mile hedge to prevent salt smuggling.
    religious divisions- diff religns pitted up against each others divide and rule
    caste system- made more rigid- only recruited soldiers from certain castes and religions and ethnicities.
    inds not allowed to vote or hold any positions in power
  • suez canal

    made by ism'ail pasha and ferdinad de lesseps, in 1858 was to connect the red sea to the meditteranean. made the route to india 6000 miles shorter. suez canal company set up and ran for 99 m years
    took 10yrs to build
  • bartle frere

    was influential in sepoy mutiny, he helped crush it, won knighthood and was placed in the viceroy council of calcutta. gov of bombay, mb of ind council and a baronet.
    he became commisiioner of cape colony in 1877- with lord caranrvan, merge tranvaal and brit sa
    started war with zulus
  • general henry havenlock

    recaptured cawn pore and lucknow in 1857 following the mutiny, he was regarded as a hero in childrens tales. He contracted dysandry and died and so a statue of him was put up in trafalgar square
  • indian sepoy mutiny

    arose due to a disrespecting of their caste system, alledged wanting to send a certain group of indians over to burma to help, but they were not allowed to cross water. cemented wth the new enfield rifles whos cartrifges were oiled with pork and beef fat- religious intolerance. started in meetrut then spread cawnpore and lucknow- killed all eu's in sight and spread fast. took a year to supress and when done, was done with alot of force and repression.
  • Period: to

    heavy rise in expansion

    brit tried to match the claim of others, made sure to claim territory where british companies were operating so to exclude other europeans from lucrative bases. i.e. imperial british east afr comp, british east ind comp, royal niger comp and brit south afr comp
  • british east india comp dissolved

    had ruled ind before mutiny, was a joint stock company, had monopoly and had made many agreements with local leaders such as the princely states
  • doctrine of lapse- revoked

    when there is no immediate heir to a princely state, they shall fall to the british- 565 princely states who also indirectly helped administer india
  • low level clerks

    13 provinces- used as intermediaries between brits and inds- mass population
  • result of army due to rebellion

    before army 40,000 troops after east ind comp joined crown army to make a ratio of 1:2
    70,000 brits and 125,000 inds by 1880s
    army had a greater nb of gurkhas and sikhs because they were loyal to brits during rev, 62 of 74 bengal troops disbanded. prevent mixing- unity = strength.
    new railway of 3000 miles helped, depoly troops faster

    ladies committee for the amelioration of the condition of women in heathen countries-was made by catholic missionaries and women who were invested in helping in the empire
  • david livingstone

    went to afr- spread 3c's christianity, commerce, civilis, was a doctor, got lost henry stanley was sent to find him- sent 200 letters back, hugely influential taught back at cambridge on his findings,
  • gov of india act

    gave all the territories to the queen
    intro ind council 15 mbs experienced with ind affairs- were all brits
    secretary of state position made
    viceroy appointed
  • ind legislative council of 5

    responsible for ind finance, law, army, economy and home affairs
  • livingstone 'consul for the east coast of africa'

    first went as doctor 1841, then taught at cambridge of all the minerology, language and diseases he encountered. wrote and sent back 200 letters, enslaved ppl
  • ind mutiny end jun 1858

    large areas untouched, mughal empire finished, emperor banished to burma and his sons executed end idea of mughal empire restoration.
    delhi, lucknow devestated, villages were burnt
    battle at GWALIAR 180 miles outside south delhi
  • viceroy canning

    from 1859-61 he toured india trying to amned those who felt alienated by brit rule
    introduced star of ind medals, gave land back ton indians and increased inds positions in imperial assembly or statutory civil service. educational establsm and teaching in english.
  • Ism'ail pasha

    modernised egypt made the suez canal alongside the french- ferdinad de lesseps
  • john hanning speke

    was with burton, key explorers, found victoria falls, he thought source of river nile. was not just led to sudan. died due to a gun accident-1864
  • survival of the fittest thwory

    came out in 1864 by darwins cousin hubert spencer darwin, appropraited views of racial superioirty and reason and allowing brit empire
  • mary slessor

    went to ind, to improve female education
    made the college for female ind teachers in 1866
  • victorial fall gold

    £124 mill worth of gold, 1/3 of total world production
  • brit men vote

    only 2 mill men out of 30 mill could vote, the right to vote depended on property ownership- only men over 21
  • canada canal deepened as st lawerece

    new canals built to overcome height differences between lake eyrie and ontorio
  • course of congo river chrtered

    location of vast reserves and minerals- sought by european merchants until 2nd half of 19th century
  • Period: to

    brit-boer tension due to diamonds

    diamonds discovd kimberely on vaal river where west griqualand border of orange free state 1867, influx of eu.
    brot annex barutaland in 1868
    and 1871 west griqualand annexed
    so thegriqua ppl 2000 went west to form east griqualand which was then annexed to the following year- brit 'indigenous ppl need out help'
  • john kirk return to afr

    went exploring with livingstone, was a keen botonist, sent back muscles, was sultanate of zanzibar, lived as diplomat. which was quite a wealthy state, it had the first steam railway in africa.
  • disrael pm

  • trade with egyp grew

    by 1870s 40% of egpy imports were british
  • 1870 education act

    increased literacy
  • india direct rule consensus

    236 mill inds lived under brit rule and were impacted by the economy and the army
  • kimberely diamonds

    largest man made hole, 240 meters done with pixk axes and forks.
    needed workers and forced migrant workers, compounds, 6 month contracts- give up freedom, brutally inhumane
  • germany united

    powerhouse of eu, posed a huge threat to britain.
  • henry stanley finds livingstone

    he went to find th eriver nile and got lost,
    he was seen as a martyr for africa and empr
  • crystal palace speech

    the conservatives are the empire party
  • Period: to

    economic slump 1873-1896

    european great depression, the dependency on african resources did alot to help
  • brit rule in fiji 1874

    was started by presbyterian missionaries from australia, they pentrated deep into the land and gained the trust and confidence of the locals and shared theeir knowledge with the explorers
  • disraeli pm 1874

    was close with queen victoria, made her empress of ind, she made him earl of beaconsfield
  • brit-boer federation

    proposed by brits, rjctd by boers- thought it was a plot for the british to steal/ annex their territories
  • brit suez canal -disraeli

    egypt could afford to pay for the suez canal- huge debt, offered 4 mill shares- brit interested because when intial shares were out they were skeptical and didn;t buy many-though big ships wouldn't fit, this greatly impacted the trade and there profits in cape.
    disraeli bought 44% of shares
  • george goldie

    his family had the palm oil business near niger basin, very effctv as lubricant- made candies and soap.
    made central african trading compp
    by 1879 he convinced all comps in river niger to join his family's comp. controlled 30 posts
    discovd palm kernels can make margarine- exceeded palm oil in value
    450 local treaty arrangements, managed to win against rival french
  • brussel conference

    by king leopold II. africans incapable of managing/ developing their resources so europeans had to intervene. railroads and routes to africa had to be developped
  • mary slessor

    went to calabria nigeria, where she stopped the practice of killing twins and mum - perceived by locals as being the devil.
  • cecil rhodes

    south afr, diamond magnate and cape colony politician
    owned all sa diamond mines, 90% global production
    his wealth backed his goal of bringing the world under brit influence
    created de boers,
    set up british sa company- allowed brits to claim sa, was chartered in 1889.
    1876 went to kimberely where he found small mines and became rich quick due to rothschild
  • queen victoria empress of india

    was to show britihs power over india
    symbol of domination
  • nubian village exhibition

    bought back a whole nubian village from sudan,
    show brit, empire success
  • afghn invasion

    led by disraelis gov,
    the brits had 10,000 losses and the afghans double, they wanted to fight russian aspirations and influence in the area.
  • zulu wars

    the zulus had vicrtory at battle of islanwanda, but the british received a victory at rorkes drift before finally defeating them at the battle of ulundi.
  • disraeli pm 1880

  • anglo - boer war

    battle at majuba hill- was a decisive battle in 1881, the british gained high ground, the boears climbed up and did guerrilla tacti,cs and overwhelmed brits, who had 280 casualties where as boears had relatively limited casualties.
  • russia reach border of afghanistan

    built large rail netwroks, brit scared it can challenge brit influence in india
  • pretoria convention

    was when the british and the boers decided to negotiate, follwoing brit loss at majuba hill and the boer war which ended in 1881
    it restored self gov of transvaal - under brit suzerainty (nominal oversight)
  • Gladstone shares egyp

    had 37% of his own wealth in egyptian loans
  • gunboats to egyp- alexandria riots

    was to protect the 100,000 eurpoeans that lived there 1/5 of the population, arabi pasha revolt killed 6 brits, allowed brit to take more of a holdon egyp- veiled protectorate, needed for cottone 'wing to east' arabi pasha and nationalists declared war on brits and killed 50 eus- 6 brits bcuz brit wielded lots of power, reduced egyps army by 2/3, huge tax on food led to unemployment and disdain in ppl
  • evely baring consul general 1882

    started of as a colon administ- his cousin was viceroy of ind
    he was sent to give isma'il pasha advice in 1877, didn't take it, so he went back to eng, returned as consul general in 82
    he approved the duffering refport- made egypt a veiled protectorate
  • charles gordon in sudan

    was sent to brit and egypt administered sudan, but muhammmad ahmad- 'mahdi' jihadist army , get outsiders out of sudan, generalx hciks sent with army he was beheaded and then gordon went and he too was beheaded- gladstone sent a relief army but arrived 2 days too late and so no movement done on sudan until 1896 khartoum
  • john mackenzie bechuanaland

    he pressured brit government to claim bechuanaland which is now botswana. he was made deputy high comissioner
  • boys brigade

    offered military training and a reminder of the glorious empire
  • berlin conference

    1884- 13 nations with the us
    effective occupation- carving up of africa, had to state your claim to the rest of the powers and prove that you can admister control- other powers had right to challenge the claim. Had to fly your flag there.
    but the basin of the river congo had to remain neutral for trade
  • 80% local inf in africa

    by time of berlin conf most of africa was in local hands
  • right to vote extended to 2/3 men in brit

  • parliamentary reform act

    where 5.5 mill more men are allowed to vote
  • indian national congress

    demanded greater role for inds in gov- made inds more politically aware.
  • forced annexation of transvaal

    following general charles warren who was sent to assert brit dominance in area. he met Boer leader paul kruger- he assured he could maintain order in area, esp after gold was found at witwatersrand and bechuanaland but warren forced annexation anyway
  • gold found in witwatersrand

    provided gold rush to the dutch boer republic of transvaal. the tin mines in cornwall shutdown and the gold mines in transvaal required experience so a 30,000 influx of brits- caused more political interv in area too
  • 'home rule bill irlnd'

    gladstone felt sympathy for irlnd and so introduced the home rule bill- shows his reluctance for imperial status
  • richard burton

    was a lingusit scholar who travelled to muslim cities and wrote many books on traditions and sexual practices, customs and fetishisms. him and john hanning speke discovery together, victoria falls which speke thought source of nile.
    wrote 43 volumes and 5 books
  • rhodes as politician

    was pm from 1890 to 96
    he endowed kids to go to oxford
    removed indigenous ppl of their land so they could use it for industrial production
  • clash in missionaries

    the first anglican african bishop samuel crowther lashed with brit anglican missionary. crowther forced to resign for he was to laxed on the heathens
  • amy carmichael

    went to india for 55 yrs wrote 35 book from her experience. tried to save temple children- prostitution and fit in with the locals, stained her skin with coffee
  • uitlander problm

    1895 south afrcn company with rhodes tried to seize control- very embarassing JAMESON RAID, negotiations try to get rights for uitalnders- the brit whites who moved to witwatersrand for econ opport, were not allowed to vote, only after 14yrs of residence.
    boers no need for brits anymmore bcuz of the delagoa bay railway portuguese which gave them access to the sea.
  • cape colony respon gov

    as per durham report
  • jameson raid

    by cecil rhodes, south afr comp, tried to overthrown gov in south afr.
    led about 500-600 men into transvaal from bechunaland. they were intercepted and embarassed, served as great boer propaganda.
  • new high comissioner cape colony

    sir alfred milner, agrsv policy
    tom edgar brit man killed by boer policeman, angrd brits
  • milner kruger blomfontein conference

    capital of orange free state, kruger offer half of franchise so 7yr resdiency, milner demands after 5yr residency, meeting broke down.
  • by 1900 90% of africa in eu hands

  • brit annex all boer territories

    incarcerated all women and children and blacks in concentration cammps so rendered guerilla warfare inadequate and useless.
    many died- diseases
  • vereenigin may 1902

    peace treaty between boers and brits