Zoetrope was invented
A disc with a series of slits in it and the images would be drawn onto the disc. Alos known as the "Wheel of Life". The earliest Zoetropes date back to 180AD in China.
http://www.zoetropes.co.uk -
Leland Stanford's Bet
Standford offered Eadweard Muybridge $25,000 if he could prove that all four of a horses hooves leave the ground at the same time.
Muybridge proved to Stanford that all hooves of a horse do leave the ground at the same time.
http://agilewriter.com/Biography/Muybridge.htm -
Muybridge imprisoned
Muybridge Shot his wife's lover.
http://agilewriter.com/Biography/Muybridge.htm -
Eadward Muybridge invented zoopraxiscope
A device with counter rotating discs that projected the images sequentially.
http://agilewriter.com/Biography/Muybridge.htm -
Development of a new dry plate process
Louis "Lumiere Brothers" created a new dry plate process by the age of 17, that became known as the Etiquette Bleue process and gave his fathers business a welcoming boost.
http://www.earlycinema.com/pioneers/lumiere_bio.html -
George Eastman introduced the first hand-held box camera
A roll film containing 100 exposure of roll. which was handheld.
http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/eastmancamera.html -
Thomas Edison Creation of the Kinetoscope
Small photographic images following a sequence were attached to a cylinder, with the idea that an illusion of motion through reflected light would be created as the cylinder rotated.
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edmvhist1.html -
Dickson invented kinetograph
Played 40 pictures a second which was an imporvement than the original version.
http://inventors.about.com/od/kstartinventions/a/Kinetoscope_2.htm -
Edison increases entertainment for his phonograph
Edison increase the entertainment offerings on his cylinders, made of wax known as brown wax today.
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edcyldr.html -
Black Maria
To keep a constant flow of newly films, a motion picture production studio.
http://www3.northern.edu/wild/th100/flmhst.htm -
First official public demonstration of the Kinetoscope
The first official public demonstration of the Kinetoscope was on May 9, 1893 at Brooklyn Institute of Art’s and Sciences.
http://www.earlycinema.com/pioneers/edison_bio.html -
Fred Ott's sneeze was made in Edison's "Black Maria"
A short 5 second film, 16 fps.
http://www.pictureshowman.com/movies_featuredmovie.cfm -
Lumiere Brothers world first public film screening
Their first public screening of films which admission was charged was held on December 28, 1895, at Salon Indien du Grand Café in Paris.
http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Auguste+and+Louis+Lumière -
True event of the train robbery
The actual event took place August 29, 1900 when four members of bandits overtook a train and gathered $5,000 out in a safe.
http://www.state.nj.us/nj/about/arts/movies.html -
New glass-enclosed studio
Edison created a new glass-enclosed studio on a rooftop in New York after he ended the Black Maria.
http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edmvhist1.html -
A trip to the moon
A 12 minute movie that took 4 months in the production.
http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/29935%7C0/A-Trip-to-the-Moon.html -
The great train robbery
An action film of bandits taking over a train, 10 minutes long with 14 scenes. Inspired by a true event that occured in August 29, 1900 with 4 members overtaking a train and getting away with $5,000.
http://www.filmsite.org/grea.html -
Phenakistiscope was introduced
used a spinning disk attached vertically to a handle, around the disks center was a series of drawings.