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John Ray
The first scientist to carry out a thorough investigation the the natural world. He was deeply religious and rejected the possibility of an old and changing world. -
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Carl Linneus
He devised a two part naming system to classify life forms and name all life on earth. -
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George's-louis de Buffon
He had an encyclopaedia called Histoire Naturelle which he planned to contain everything known about the natural world. ( published 36 out of 50 volumes.) -
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Etienne Saint-Hillaire
He said all vertebrates as modification of a singe life form. He defined and identifyed structures having the same relation and position. -
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James Hutton
He believed the world was continually formed and explained the features of the earthed crust over geological time. -
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Erasmus Darwin
Formulated one of the first formal theories with ideas such as life evolved from a single common ancestor forming one living filament. -
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Jean Baptist Lamark
Associated with the discredited theory of heredity " the inheritance of acquired traits". He didn't belive in extinction only in evolving species. -
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George's Cuvier
Firmly established the fact of extinction of past life forms. Researched into verterbrate, inverterbrate, zoologoly and patentology. -
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Charles Lylell
The author of "prinicples of geology" with the idea that the earth is shaped by the same operation in process today -
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Charles Darwin
Established that all species of life have descended from one common ancestor. Popularised the process of natural selection. -
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Gregor Mendel
He is the founder of modern science of genetics and established the rules of heredity. -
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Alfred Wallace
Also discovered the natural selection process independently. He also created the concept of warning colour acting and The Wallace effect.