The beginnings
Rooha was born in India at 10:30 p.m -
The first two years (Biosocial)
My body weight has doubled as I am 4 months now, and I sleep about 13 1/4 hours a day! I was told that I was a very easy baby. -
The first two years (Cognitive)
I am speaking my first real words. I am more personable with my grandparents and aunts (who raised me in the beginning years) -
The first two years (Psychosocial)
I am still living in India, and I have a secure attachment with my grandmother. I go with her everywhere she goes, and I love exploring the world around me. I was somewhat naughty. -
Early childhood
My parents come back to India to bring me to the United States. I am feeling some seperation anxiety from my grandmother who cared for me since I was only 6 months old -
Early Childhood (Biosocial)
I start my first year of Kindergarten! I can move my body pretty well now. I have less falls and my favorite thing to do was play throw and catch with my older sisters. -
Early Chldhood (Cognitive)
I am in first grade now and I am speaking two languages fluently. I spoke English all day in school and at home I spoke an east indian language called malayalam with my parents and sisters. -
Early Childhood (psychosocial)
My little sister was born. I was so jealous- I even cried when I heard that my parents were bringing her home. I knew I was no longer the baby. I thought she was cute after she came home though. I can regulate my emotions better. -
Middle Childhood (Biosocial)
I loved recess at school. My favorite part of the day was going out for recess right after lunch. Physcial play is so important at this time, and so the monkey bars helped me build muscle, and build friendships. -
Middle Childhood (Cognitive)
I was on the spelling bee team for the school. I loved meeting with my club members during lunch with the teacher to review our words. My teacher was a great mentor - she pushed us all to memorize words and definitions! -
Middle Childhoold (Psychosocial)
Attending church every Sunday and attending Sunday school was very important. My parents felt that having spirituality in my life will help guide me as I grew. I loved attending Sunday School anniversary. I recited Psalm 23. -
Adolescence: Biosocial
I am almost 12, and I start the first menstrual period and observable signs of puberty are beginning. I am so awkward at this time because I have grown taller, but I am so skinny! -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
I move into high shcool from middle school. I am so nervous about making friends, learning, new teachers- EVERYTHING! I can think abstractly, analystically, hypothetically and logically. -
Adolescence: Psychosocial
I am becoming more argumentative with my parents. My parents were constantly asking me to make sure my room was clean and my grades were consistent and good. It was becoming annoying.
I developed my first crush on one of the high school basketball players. -
Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial
I am now a freshman in college. I finally feel like a attractive young woman, and not the skinny girl with terrible skin. I start having anxiety issues due to my heavy course load and pressure to do well in college. -
Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Dev.
I am much better at managing my time then when I started my freshman year. I plan ahead of time and don't wait until the last minute to write my research papers. I was able to take an elective course titled :The Old Testament in the Bible. This stimulated my mind about my religious beliefs. -
Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
After a year of dating, I was asked the long awaited question "will you marry me?" I said YES! My parents were very supportive, and decided to help me financially with the planning of the wedding a year later - as well as to finish off my last year of college. -
Adulthood: Biosocial Development
I am now 25 years old and working my first full time job as a teacher after moving to a new state with my husband. I am trying desperately to go to the gym after work, and to eat right. I can see very well that if I don't do both of these things- I'm going to gain weight quickly. I'm no longer able to eat junk and remain thin! -
Adulthood: Cognitive
This is my second year teaching and I can see that this year I am managing my lesson plans and planning ahead like an expert verteran teacher. I am more automatic, strategic and flexible and my students as well as administrators take notice. -
Adulthood: Psychosocial
We welcome baby #2. We are now parents who have to handle stress of working full time jobs and taking care of two kids. Our familes step up to help us-when they are asked. We learn to cope with all the changes that happen with each additional child! -
Late Adulthood: Biosocial
I am now 60 years old and my daughters are in their 30's. I have grandchildren. I have to make sure I keep up with my physical check ups - especially for my vision. Since I have been wearing glasses for a good portion of my life, I have to make sure I do not have cataracts, glaucomo or macular degeneration. -
Late Adulthood: Cognitive Development
I am getting closer to 70 years old, and now my thinking processes are becoming slower and less sharp. I am still active, but doing more of the things I have always wanted to do- since I am also retired. I like to give my daughters philosopical and insightful thoughts to help them through situations in life. -
Late Adulthood: Psychosoical Development
I am 76 yeas old. My husband and I have been married for 55 long and happy years. We continue to support each other with health issues that keep creeping up on us, finances, and managing our home. We also like to volunteer at our church to keep us spiritually strong as we continue to age. -
Death and Dying
I am 99 years old. I have lived a long and wonderful life. I close my eyes, my breathing stops and all my organs stop. I die peacefully holding my husband's hand and my children and grandchildren around me.