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The Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Jan 1, 1200

    The Begining

    The Begining
    During the 1200's was the rise of the Kongo empire, centered in what is now known as northern Angola.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    The first Outsider

    The first Outsider
    Portuguese navigator Diogo Cio becomes the first European man to enter the Congo. Portuguese later set up ties with the king of the Kongo
  • Colonization

    Belgium King Leopold II sets up private venture to colonise the Kongo
  • New Ruler

    New Ruler
    King Leopold announces the establishment of the Congo free State headed by no other than King Leopold himself
  • Congolese Protests

    Congolese Protests
    The Belgium state annexes Congo amid protests over mass killings and atrocities that were carried out on a mass scale by King Leopolds agents. Millions of congolese people are said to have been slaughtered under his rule of the territory
  • Independence

    Congo becomes independent with Patrice Lumumba as prime minister and Joseph Kasavubu as president.
  • Death Toll of War

    Death Toll of War
    US refugee agency says the wars within the Congo have casued 2.5 million deaths either directly or indirectly since August 1998.
  • Peace treaty

    Peace treaty
    The presidents of DR Congo sign a peace deal with Rwanda. In which Rwanda troops will be withdrawn from the east. DR congo will disarm and arrest Hutu gunmen blamed for killing of the Tutsi minorities.
  • Final Troops

    Final Troops
    Last Ugandan troops leave eastern DR Congo
  • Outbreak

    A major outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus occurs.