Jan 1, 1200
The Begining
During the 1200's was the rise of the Kongo empire, centered in what is now known as northern Angola. -
Jan 1, 1486
The first Outsider
Portuguese navigator Diogo Cio becomes the first European man to enter the Congo. Portuguese later set up ties with the king of the Kongo -
Belgium King Leopold II sets up private venture to colonise the Kongo -
New Ruler
King Leopold announces the establishment of the Congo free State headed by no other than King Leopold himself -
Congolese Protests
The Belgium state annexes Congo amid protests over mass killings and atrocities that were carried out on a mass scale by King Leopolds agents. Millions of congolese people are said to have been slaughtered under his rule of the territory -
Congo becomes independent with Patrice Lumumba as prime minister and Joseph Kasavubu as president. -
Death Toll of War
US refugee agency says the wars within the Congo have casued 2.5 million deaths either directly or indirectly since August 1998. -
Peace treaty
The presidents of DR Congo sign a peace deal with Rwanda. In which Rwanda troops will be withdrawn from the east. DR congo will disarm and arrest Hutu gunmen blamed for killing of the Tutsi minorities. -
Final Troops
Last Ugandan troops leave eastern DR Congo -
A major outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus occurs.
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