Evolution backwards

The Dehumanization of European Populations

  • Gold Coast, Late Seventeenth Century

    Gold Coast, Late Seventeenth Century
    The Prospect of the Coast from El Mina to Mowri
    16x25 cm
    1745 This drawing, by an anonymous artist, depicts the slaves being transported by canoe along the Gold Coast of Africa. At this point in time, after the Komenda War ended in 1700, slaves became the prime exportation of Africa as they were traded to go work in Europe and the New World.
  • Scientific Racism

    Scientific Racism
    Carl Linnaeus
    Systema Naturae
    Chart of Classification of Species
    1735 Humans are ranked alongside monkeys for the first time. Among the humans, four variations occur and the Africans are ranked lowest just above mythical and anthropomorphic creatures. According to his ranking, black-skinned people are less human than whites.
  • Peninsula Wars

    Peninsula Wars
    Francisco Goya
    The Disasters of War
    Released in 1863 These prints were created by Goya who witnessed the atrocities in Spain during the Peninsula Wars. Both sides of the war are ambiguously fiendish in his representations. The prints were only publish 35 years after his death once it was safe to criticize the French and Spanish governments. Number 5 shown here, depicts the Spanish women who turned into beasts during the wars.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Karl Marx
    The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
    1844 Marx presents his opinions on the effects of industrialization on the working class. Especially in his chapter titled "Estranged Labour", Marx points out how separate the working class has become from society. The mechanization of society means the dehumanization of it as well.
  • The Bolsheviks Red Terror

    The Bolsheviks Red Terror
    Vladimir Lenin
    How to Organise Competition?
    Collected Works, Volume 26, p. 404-15
    Written: 24-27 December, 1917
    Originally published in the Pravda in 1929 Lenin's call to arms and dehumanizing attack on the capitalists was first published in the Pravda in 1929, 12 years after he originally wrote it. As a way to motivate the soldiers and population to defend the ideals of communism, the rich "bloodsuckers" and Capitalists were to be culled and killed.
  • The Holocaust Begins

    The Holocaust Begins
    Lodz, Poland. Transfer from the deportation trains to cattle cars at the Kolo Station.
    Yad Vashem From 1939 to 1945, Jews among other minorities were collected and placed into concentration and extermination camps. They were gathered like cattle into wagons from all over Europe and taken to these camps where they were stripped of their identities and placed under horrible conditions.