The Decline of the Byzantine Empire

  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian's Reign

    During Justinian's rule Byzantium would come to its highest pont during its time. Justinian's goal during his reign was always to restore Byzantium to the glory of Rome. His rebuilding of Constantinople after the rebllions and the creation of Justinian's code showed that he was determined to be as Rome was. Even through his effort though the restoration of Rome was not a possibility, but Justinian did improve life in Byzantium signifying the long prosperity of Byzantium.
  • 540

    Start of Justianian's Plague

    Start of Justianian's Plague
    ustinian's plague was a horrible disease that spawned in Egypt inside of rats and worked its way up into the capital of byzantium, Constantinople. Lasting almost half a century, there are accounts that this disease had possibly killed 5,000 people a day, wiping out nearly half the population of the empire. This disease made Byzantium vulnerable to Muslim invaders of the future.
  • Period: 540 to Jan 15, 1453

    Decline of the Byzantine Empire

  • Period: Jan 17, 1000 to Jan 17, 1500

    Post-Classical Era

  • Jan 15, 1054

    The Great Schism between Eastern and Western Churches

    The Great Schism between Eastern and Western Churches
    Tesions between the Pope and the Patriarch grew large due to the want of the patriarch to have self-governed Christian locations while the Pope wanted a single figure of Byzantium. The tension grew to be to much to handle and the two religious figures excommunicated each other. The East became the Eastern Orthodox Church and the West became th Roman Catholic Church. This schism weakened the internal structure of Byzantium causing it become more vulnerable than it already was.
  • Jan 15, 1071

    Battle of Manzikert

    Battle of Manzikert
    Byzantine factions had begun fighting starting a civil war. During this time Salju Turks attacked and conquered Anatolia with little effort. The loss of Anatolia set in stone the fall of Byzantium. Anatolia was a major food source for Byzantium which suplied them with money used for their military. This loss set up defeat for any battles they would come to face.
  • Jan 15, 1075

    Rulers of the Themes Rebellion

    Rulers of the Themes Rebellion
    Generals of the Byzantines were the ones who goverened the themes and the offspring of these powerful generals would marry with the local aristocracies which created a economically, ploitically, military, and scoial power. A good percentage of these families did not suport the imperial policies. And because of theier power they were able to mount revolts that never defeated imperial forces, but had majorly damaged local economies.
  • Jan 15, 1076

    Rulers of the Themes Rebellion Continued

    Rulers of the Themes Rebellion Continued
    The large estates gained by these powerful families gave the free peasants too much pressure. The numbers and wealth of these free peasants would decline over the next few years. This resulted in fewer soldiers available to join the army. The tax receipts of these peasants could not be paid causing govermental problema.
  • Jan 15, 1204

    The Fourth Crusade Result on Byzantium

    The Fourth Crusade Result on Byzantium
    The fourth crusade's objective was to reclaim Jerusalem and other holy sites from the Muslims. During this crusade though the CRusaders found it fit to take the oppurtunity and take overtake over and destroy Constantinople. The Crusaders managed to work their way into the heart of Byzantium and Constantinople being one of Byzantiums most importants cities the Byzantines were weakened greatly setting them up to fall.
  • Period: Jan 15, 1204 to Jan 15, 1453

    Byzantium Picked Apart

    During this peroiod Byzantium was invaded constantly being knwn to the world that it was weak. Territories were taken by crusaders, Muslims, Italian merchants, European adventurers and Turkish nomads. The end of Byzantium opened a spot for a new Mediterranean power.
  • Jan 15, 1453

    Ottoman Turk invasion

    Ottoman Turk invasion
    After many invasions of Byzantium caused by the loss of Anatols Saljuk Turks or Ottoman's ended the decline of Byzantium after conquering Constantinople and absorbing its territories. This victor for the Ottomans set up a long lasting empire that would be over in 1923.