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THE DEAD by Charlie HIgson

By jxr8444
  • The escape

    The group of survivors in the school escape the adults.Jack,Ed,and Bam lead the survivors and the fighters to saftey while finding and meeting Fredrique,the french teachers daughter with her cat.
  • Church meet up

    The gang of surviors go to the church and meet up with other survivors(students) but one of them turned psycho which is Matt. Matt started this new cult in which the "Lamb" will save them causing people to follow his cult.

    With the group of survivors they met at the church, Jack and Ed decide to go to tesco for supplies. Sadly, this goes horribly wrong with the death of many of the survivors. Including Ed's best friend Malik.
  • Bus Arrival

    The broken group manage to escape the "adults" and end up walking. Until they meet up with a bus full of survivors and the driver being an not infected adult,Greg with his son.
  • Greg is infected

    Gred the bus driver get fully infected and in the night he kills his own son Liam. Once again the group had to flee and head to another safe place.
  • Imperial War Museam

    They manage to find the imperial war museam but at first they are not welcomed in by the leader Jordan.But then there compromise but the leader and his group will NOT provide food.
  • The new Relgion "Angus Dei"

    Matt, the cult leader manages to get the people in the museam brainwashed by him.Then they start to make a banner in celebration but accidentaly put Angus day in stead of Angus Dei.
  • Fredrique..

    The girl Fredrique get was infected the whole time but she changed slowly and gradually. She then bites in to one of the kids their named Froggie. She the is then locked in the Storeroom for preventing other bitten survivors.
  • Oval Criket Ground

    Jack,Ed,and Bam are then to travel to the "Adult" main ground know as the Arsenal Stadium. They meet a field with alot of bodies of infected and soldiers. They find weapons but then a group of infected attack them.
  • Jack's Death

    They manage to escape the stadium but then the most terrible happens. A fully infected Greg approaches therm with a cleaver and kills Bam.Then Jack gets his chest sliced open and collapses. Finnaly Ed gets sliced in the face leaving a scar,but manages to kill Greg. He then tries to get Jack back to health but fails.