Fall of the roman empire
The once mighty roman empire began collapsing in the 410 A.D but with the Hun invasion the empire finally collapsed in 476 A.D -
Clovis becomes king of the franks
Clovis I becomes the king of the franks, and united all Frank provinces that were part of the roman province of gaul. -
Birth of Muhammad
The greatest prophet of islam is born, his name is muhammad -
Oct 6, 622
The rise of islam
While in the west there was hunger and poverty, in the east a religion was rising, its name? Islam its god? allah -
Oct 10, 732
Battle of tours
The Franks defeat the muslims in Tours,France forcing them to retrieve and stopping muslim advance into Europe -
Apr 20, 800
Charlemagne becomes the first holy roman empreror
Charlemagne, the king of the Franks unified Gemrnaic tribes and created an empire, he transformed into christian his empire and this gave him the title of holy roman emeperor , this title was given to him by pope Leo III -
Jun 16, 835
The dawn of vikings
The vikings form scandinavia (Norway, Sweden and Denmark) begin invading northern Europe (Fact: the vikings didnt used horned helmets) -
Apr 11, 896
Vikings are turned back
Alfred the great king of England, kicks out the viking invaders out of his territory -
Jun 5, 1042
The end of raidings
The invasions of the vikings to northern europe stopped. -
Aug 8, 1066
England falls to the French
The french duke William of Normandy conquers England and becomes the first king of Norman origins in England -
Jan 18, 1096
The first crusade
The crusades were a fight over the holy land (Jerusalem) started by the Holy Roman Empire against the arabs -
Feb 10, 1206
The birth of a mighty empire
The Mongol empire was founded by Genghis Khan, they domained more land in 25 years than of what the Romans did in 400 (the mongols were tribes that inhabited nowadays mongolia in northern asia) -
Oct 6, 1215
Rights for the people
KIng George of England signs the Magna Carta and gives some rights to the people. -
Mar 7, 1271
The great explorer starts his journey
Marco Polo sets off to Asia in his famous expedition. -
Nov 13, 1337
The 100 years war
The war between England and France for the French throne started -
Jun 14, 1347
The black plague
Because of trading the black plague spread quicly and killed half the population of Eurpoe in that time (it was believed that the plague was caused by evil spirits) -
Oct 6, 1444
The printing press
The German inventor invents the printing press, considered the second most important invention for sharing informaion after the internet, and impulsed the renaissance -
Apr 14, 1453
The fall of constaninople and the Byzantinium
The ottomans take Constaninople, this marks the fall of the Byzantine empire or Byzantinium. This event triggered the renaissance because a lot of writers went to Italy and contributed for its start -
Oct 11, 1453
The Renassaince
The Renaissance is the revival of classical arts (Bokish,2015) in which the church lost power and people began studying various disciplines like: Astronomy, Architecture, music etc. and began thinking more about what was around them.