Barbaric invasions
The constant attacks on Western Rome were a large part of why it fell and those attacks continued another 450 years and went on from 350 AD to 800AD. -
Fall of Western Rome
On 476 AD september 4th the once powerful Western Roman Empire fell to Germanic tribes such as the Mongols and the Saxons. -
Islamic Prophet Muhammad is born
In 570AD, the prophet Muhammad was born. This marked the beginning of Islam and would eventually become one of the largest religions in the entire world. -
Sep 28, 700
Warmer Weather
In roughly 700 AD, western Rome began to see warmer weather and there were more farms as well as a large growth in population. -
Jan 7, 711
Moors attack Spain
In 711 AD the Moores attacked Spain. Since Spain was suffering from plague as well as internal disputes, it was the perfect time for the Moores to swiftly gain land. -
Sep 23, 732
Charles the Hammer
Charles Martel more commonly known as Charles the Hammer, was the savior of the his Empire when he defeated the Moores and stopped their push into Europe. -
Sep 28, 1066
William of Normady conquers England.
In 1066AD,William a French duke beat the Vikings in the battle of Hasting and conquered England and changed the Country forever. -
In about 800 AD, Charelemagne, who was the grandson of Charles the hammer was one of the most insperational people of his time. Instead of focusing on his own wealth, he tried to extend and improve the Carolingian empire. Some things he did were build monestaries that provided education for young people as well as extending the empire. However he was also merricless and when he gained territory he gave people a simple choice. Convert to Christianity or be killed. -
Carolingian divided into 3 parts
In 843ad the once pwerful Enpire Charelmange ruled was divied into 3 part between his three sons. Sadly all he had built started to detiorate as soon as he died. -
Battle of Lindesfarne
In 793AD, The first viking attack on A Christian monerstarie called Lindesfarne was attacked. This would mark the beginning of hundreds of viking raids on Europe for about 250 years.