• 400

    The romain empire falls

    the roman fell apart this laed to people sparted in to diffrent groups. these gorups of people were unedcated people and they spoke diffrent languages. they shautered and repalced the more cilvilized romans. and this was encouring the dark ages also atilla the hun born in 406 ad and ruled 434 until his death in 453 one of the main reason why Rome fell was baeucase it was to big
  • 500

    the byzantine empier continues to rule

    in spite of all of the figghting going on in the westside of europe they still stand tall for 200 years
    discourage the dark ages
  • Sep 24, 600

    the bulgarians began to expand out side of there kingdom

    th bulgars send troops to take over the black sea and began a powerful rule
  • Sep 27, 650

    A Rise in Islamic victories

    The Muslim people began moving though what remains of Rome. They establish a a bit of a rule also they moved across many lands
    This would depend on which side your on of it to be classified as a a encourage of the dark ages or discourage give or take
  • Sep 27, 700

    The western side of Europe rise once again

    The westernside of Europe was seeing a lot of improvement. The temperatures were show to rise which manes that the crops could grow back. More food more people so the population and farms increased
  • Sep 27, 750

    education rises

    education is the is the seed of knowgled finally able to be plant in the minds of the romain people. after all of the war and the killing there was a time to settle down and education becomes the main focus
  • Sep 27, 1000

    the abacus was borught to europe

    the muslims have crated an object called the abacus for mathamaties and they bourght more and more tecgolegy
  • Sep 27, 1000

    christian is on the rise

    as christainty spered thorugh the land it stop the dark ages. with all of the peaceful mesages in it's storys
  • the people fall into a new pattren

    as the the weather saw an inreacse of tempeter the people were finaly fell back to a regural and they came uu with a farming plan
  • italy is split

    italy was filled with worry fear and turmoil the top was ruled by the franks and muslim people
  • italy is split

    italy was filled with worry fear and turmoil the top was ruled by the franks and muslim people
  • charmleagne takes charge

    charlemagne led the fankish people trough italy and and went westwrad he estabilshed what became france and he helped chirstain to spread
  • the vikings invade britain

    a vikings army moved into britain and took over the island thhey esentually estabilshed the knigdom of engalnd
  • the bulgarian orthodox chruch

    the bulgarian established the europan national chruch and that was eventally called orthodox chruch