Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro assumes power after the Cuban Revolution; succeeds in attempting to overthrow Batista (President of Cuba). -
Period: to
The Cuban Missile Crisis
FIdel Castro named new premier and president
Fidel Castro becomes new premier and president of Cuba. -
Cuba and Soviet Union
Cuba sides themselves with the Soviet Union and their policies with Soviet Union being communists. -
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy (President of the United States) makes a speech about how the United States are under threat because of Cuba. Kennedy explains how he wants to set up a blockade (sealing off a place to prevent goods and/or people entering & leaving) around Cuba. -
Bay of Pigs!
This was an invasion in attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. Over 1000 people with weapons aimed to reach Havana but were soon stopped by Fidel Castro's army. This failed invasion increased the tension between Castro and the United States. -
Nikita Khrushchev and Kennedy
Over June 3-4, Khrushchev and Kennedy talk in Vienna about the missile crisis -
Fidel Castro speech
Castro is furious the Kennedy sets up a blockade around Cuba. As a result of this Castro sends armed men to the shores to try and defend Cuba. -
Cuban missiles discovered
United States spy planes flew over Cuba only to find a minimum of 6 medium range missiles. Kennedy then claimed any missile fired would be an attack on the US from the Soviet Union -
Nikita Khrushchev
Nikita Khrushchev (led the Soviet Union during the Cold War) asked the United States to publicly say they would not invade Cuba and remove their missiles from Turkey. If they successfully did so, the Russians would removle their missiles from Cuba. -
Nikita Khrushchev & John F Kennedy
President Kennedy agrees to Khrushchev's offer on the 27th of October, 1962. US missiles are removed from Turkey and Italy and Russian missiles are removed from Cuba -
Communication agreement
The United States and the Soviet Union set up a radio and telegraph line between them to inform them of any nuclear danger that occurs or any misunderstandings. This line made sure that messages were not delayed. -
Nuclear Treaty
This treaty stated neither the United States or Sovient Union could test nuclear bombs anywhere except for underground under strict circumstances. This treaty helped reduce the tension between the two countries. -
Soviet Union Power
The Cuban Missile crisis set off the need of power for the Soviet Union. They were striving for the same nuclear ability as the United States and this ability was reached in 1972. This means the Soviet Union would be able to defend themselves if the United States try to attack -
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM)
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was a treaty that restricted the number of ABM deployment areas from two to one. -
ABM Soviet Union (SALT I)
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty was put into force on this day. The Soviet Union had deployed their ABM system in Moscow. -
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II). This is various negotiations bet ween the United States and Soviet Union. SALT II was introduced to reduce the limit of strategic nuclear weapons. This was never put into force and was outdated by the START I treaty in 1991. -
START I (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
Thi treaty banned the United States and the Soviet Union from using nuclear weapons such as nuclear warheads, ICBM's (intercontinental ballistic missiles), submarine-launched ballistic missiles and bombers. By the end of this treaty (June 14, 2002), 80% of all strategic nuclear weapons had been removed. -
START II between the US and Soviet Union, was banning the use of MIRV's (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles) on the use of ICBM's. MIRV's provide greater target damage, hit a broader area and reduce the effect of ABM's. On June 14, 2002, the Soviet Union withdrew from the treaty.