War With France
Started by King William, strained Salem's resources with refuges from places more impacted by the war like New York and Quebec. -
Trouble Begins
Abigail and Elizabeth start showing signs of supernatural afflictions. -
Trials Begin
Girls name first witches starting the witch trials. -
Tituba's Confesion
Created Tension in Salem and got the ball rolling on the mob mentality. -
Special Court Created
Named the Oyer and Terminer court meaning to hear and to decide. Bridget Bishop first case. -
Minister Cotton Mather asks for spectral evidence to not be taken
The court mostly ignored the request even though he was well respected. -
Increase Mather, President of Harvard denounces Spectral Evidence
“It were better that ten suspected witches should escape than one innocent person be condemned.” This released many accused and dissolved the Court of Oyer. -
Court Orders day of Fasting and soul-searching
The court declares the trials unlawful
Bill restores good names and gives 600 pounds in restitution to heirs
The Crucible is created
Written by Arthur Miller it uses the Salem trials as an allegory for the communist scare in the 50s. -
Massachusetts formally apologizes
Work Cited
Blumberg, Jess. “A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials.”
Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 23 Oct. 2007,