Crucible pic 4

The Crucible

  • 1.Girls Dance in Woods

    1.Girls Dance in Woods
    Parris see's Abigail, Betty,Mary and other girls dancing in the woods.
  • 3.Abagail reveals her love with John

    Adigail shows she loves John but John doesn't love her back. Also she tells him the girls are prtending to be sick.
  • 4.Abigail and girls start to accuse many people

    Abigail and the girls start to name many peoples names that they say were with the devil.
  • 2.Betty's sickness

    Betty is sick in bed and is not moving. Parris, her dad, is ore worryed how people will see him insted of worrying about his daughter.
  • Period: to

    The Crucible

  • 5.Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a gift

    Mary Warren gives Elizabeth a poppet as a gift.
  • 6.Hale asks John and Elizebeth questions

    Hale comes to Johns house to ask him some questions. He askes them why they havent been going to church and to say the 10 commenments. John says 9 of them but forgets the one he has done, adultery.
  • 7.John tells Hale about Abigail

    John tells Hale that Abigail has commited witchcraft. That she was trying to have Elizebeth killed.
  • 9.Giles and Francis

    Giles and Francis come to John tell him that there wives were taken away.
  • 8.Elizabeths poppet

    8.Elizabeths poppet
    Cheever tells Elizabeth that Abagail had a neddle in her side and the poppet she has also has a neddle in its side. She is arrested for witchcraft.
  • 11.Depositions

    Giles gives his deposition stating that the putmans are accusing the nurse family so they could get land. The Francis deposition has 91 people that say Martha and Rebecca have never done anything with the devil. John gets Marry Warren to say that the girls were lying.
  • 10.Abigail and girls start to pretend that Marry Warren is attacking them.

    10.Abigail and girls start to pretend that Marry Warren is attacking them.
    The girls start to pretend that Marry Warren is attacking them. They pretend that Marry sends her spirit to hurt them.
  • 12.Marry Warren turns on Proctor

    Marry Warren can not handle the girls lying so she turns on John. She says that john is with the devil.
  • 13.Hale denounces the proccedings

    Hale can the take how absurd the proccedings are and he leaves.
  • 14.Abigail Leaves

    Abigail takes Parrises money and leaves town, Parris is worred how he will look and wants to pospone the anging of John. Danforth does not agree.
  • 15.Elizabeth comes to talk to John

    15.Elizabeth comes to talk to John
    She comes and tells him that Giles was killed. He was being tortured for information by getting a boulder put on his stomach. He did not tell them any information therfore he was killed.
  • 16.Elizabeth trys to convince John to confess

    Elizabeth wants John to confess so they can raise there children and be there for them. John agrees and signes a paper.
  • 17.John rethinks

    As John is about to give the paper where he signed his name he takes it back. He doesn't want to give up his name because its the only thing he has left.
  • 18.John Gets hanged.

    18.John Gets hanged.
    John gets hanged. His wife respected him because he died with dignity.