By jonesab
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    Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War was conflict between the two over land. This war went on from 1846-1848. U.S. had already took and claimed Texas from Mexico and wanted more such as California. With this huge land the issue of slavery in the new territories increased.(-)
  • Mexican Cession

    It gave the USA more land - allowed spreading from sea to sea, etc.
    (helped the U.S reach Manifest Destiny, spreading settlers from sea to sea.)(+)
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin brought upon the real treatment of slaves and was the first book that exploited the real truth. The Northerners were appalled at the Southern actions towards the slaves. The southern claimed that the book falsified the real actions that were taking place during slavery.
  • Kanas-Nebraska Act

    the creations of the Kansas and Nebraska territories. It also allowed the settlers to decide if they wanted to be a free or slave state. It also aroused the debate of slavery again among the Northern and Southern states.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    it deepened the divide between the North and South regarding slavery. Bleeding Kansas resulted in Kansas entering the Union as a free state. It involved a series of bloody or violent events that pitted anti-slavery Northerners against pro-slavery Southerners that ended only months before the Civil War started.
  • Summer Brooke Incident

    The Sumner-Brooks Affair was an incident that occurred in the Senate in 1856. Charles Sumner was a senator from Massachusetts gave an insulting speech focused on Senator Andrew Brooks. Brooks severely beat Senator Sumner. The incident symbolizes the growing tension between the North and the South.
  • 1856 Election

    The United States presidential election of 1856 was the 18th quadrennial presidential election
  • Dred Scott Decision

    a slave who was taken into free states where he sued to gain his freedom. The U. S. Supreme Court held that blacks did not have citizenship and could not sue in federal court. The decision led to outrage among abolitionists in the north. It was important because it was a factor of the Civil War.
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    Lincoln-Douglas Debate

    that they brought Abraham Lincoln to prominence in the Republican Party, helping to win the nomination to run for prsident in 1860.
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    John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's raid intensified the slavery debate to such an extent that it was practically impossible to resolve the slavery issue without bloodshed. Brown himself indicated as much in one of his last statements before he was hanged.
  • Election of 1860

    The United States Presidential Election of 1860 was the nineteenth quadrennial presidential election to select the President and Vice President of the United States. The election was held on Tuesday, November 6, 1860, and won by the Republican Party.
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Stephen Douglas for the Northern Democrats, John C. Breckenridge for the Southern Democrats, John Bell for the Constitutional Union Party, and Abraham Lincoln for the Republican Party.
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    Fall at Fort Sumter

    Was where the first battle of the Civil War.