The creation of Galarza democracy

  • Citizen Rising of 2000

    Citizens start to uprise against the ruler of our nation(Niners nation). Citizens of the nation were not to happy with there form of government and did not think it was fair or equal.
  • Formation of Trust

    Citizens or people started to form together and speak about freedom and having more rights. The people slowly started creating groups of people who want to stand against there government and want to make a change.
  • Rally of Galarza Democracy

    Tons of people start to rally up in front of the government and around the nation and protest about the creation of the Galarza democracy, which is a fair and equal democracy for all the people of the nation and have more freedom of speech and to be heard.
  • Shooting of the Government

    A shooting had occurred when the ruler of Niners nation was giving a speech about discussing the Galarza democracy, the rally's and the fights going on. He is trying to stop all the protest and as he was speaking gunshots were fired in mid-air. No one was hurt and all was safe, the ruler quickly finished his speech and moved on.
  • The Movement

    The ruler of the Niners nation was starting to slowly accept the Galarza democracy and looking into it. There was slow compromising and evaluating of the Galarza democracy.
  • The Niner's Nation speech of 2004

    The ruler of our nation once again took a stand to the people with more safety of course and addressed that they are looking into doing the Galarza democracy and maybe accepting the rules and regulations to it.
  • The Galarza Democracy

    The Galarza Democracy had been accepted and passed as a democratic nation, the people had more freedom and rights for more of what they want and get to stand for themselves.