
The Creation of Apartheid in South Africa

  • Dutch Arrival.

    Dutch Arrival.
    Settlers arrive in the city of Cape Town and establish a trading post there
  • British Colonialism

    British Colonialism
    The British takeover the Dutch colony in Cape Town. The terms of the peace ending these wars, left South Africa in British hands. This arrangement, will lead to friction between the British original Afrikaner (Dutch) colonists for the rest of the century
  • Independent Republics

    Independent Republics
    The Boers and Afrikaners (Europeans of mixed Dutch/German heritage) leave the now British Cape Colony and move north east to establish their own republics (countries), all free from the English rule.
  • Diamonds and Gold Discovered

    Diamonds and Gold Discovered
    Large deposits of diamonds and gold discovered in northeastern South Africa. Many English arrive to search for these valuable minerals. These were harder to make a profit due to the nature and expensive equipment needed to mine them.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The Boer War was fought between British and Afrikaners for the control South Africa. The British win after a hard-fought struggle. Ended on the 31 May, 1902 (http://www.sahistory.org.za/article/second-anglo-boer-war-1899-1902)
  • The Union of South Africa is created

    The Union of South Africa is created
    This is country still controlled by the British Empire, but ruled and run by the white Afrikaners. It was the unification of four previously separate British colonies: Cape Colony, Natal Colony, Transvaal Colony and Orange River Colony.
  • The National Party wins control of South Africa's government.

    The National Party wins control of South Africa's government.
    After their win they added new laws to existing ones to create the foundation for the system of apartheid. Apartheid classified South Africans into four different racial categories (white, black, coloured and indian). The whites held all the power in the government even though blacks had the majority numbers and all four groups were forced into harsh segregation and had bias laws placed against them.