The Creation of Apartheid in South Africa

  • Dutch Arrival

    Dutch settlers arrive at a specified site in Cape Town in order to establish a trading post.
  • Dutch Arrival

    Dutch Arrival
    Dutch settlers arrive at what will end up being Cape Town and set-up a trading post.
  • British Colonialism

    The British come and forcefully take over the Cape colony from the original Dutch settlers.
  • British Colonialism

    British Colonialism
    The British arrive in South Africa and forcibly take over the Cape colony from the Dutch
  • Independent Afrikan Republics

    Throughout the 1830's the Afrikaners (Dutch) left the Cape Town colony to establish their own Republics in the North and the East.
  • Independent Afrikan Republics

    Independent Afrikan Republics
    In the 1830's The Dutch head North and East to set up their own independent republics - Orange Free State and Traansval.
  • Start of Gold rush

    Large quantities of both gold and diamond were found in the North and the East. Many people from England arrive for the valuable minerals.
  • Gold and Diamond Rush

    Gold and Diamond Rush
    From 1867 to 1887 there is a gold and diamond rush in the North and East of South Africa, and so lot's of English arrive to profit off it.
  • End of Gold Rush

    This was when gold and diamond deposits stopped being found in such high quantities
  • Boer War Starts

    War breaks out between the British and the Afrikaners for control of South Africa.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The British fought the Afrikaners for control of South Africa. It was a difficult struggle, but Britain won on the 31st of May 1902.
  • Boer War Ends

    British manage to win the Boer War, though it was a hard fought struggle.
  • The Union of South Africa

    The Union of South Africa is created - the country is still run by the British Empire, but is ruled and run by the white Afrikaners.
  • The Union of South Africa is Created

    The Union of South Africa is Created
    The Union of South Africa is still controlled by the British Empire, but ruled and run by the white Afrikaners.
  • National Party wins Election

    The National party wins control of the country in the election. The Dutch lay down the laws which would be the foundation for Apartheid.
  • The National Party

    The National Party
    The Dutch National party won the election and started implementing the laws that would become Apartheid.