The Cove Story Timeline

  • The Creaton of PlayFun Ent.

    In the year 1972 the company
    "Play&Fun Entertainment" was created by the Decugon Industries as a way to branch out and to to produce products for a more impressionable and impulsive audience
  • The match is struck

    Very soon into the production and progress of Play&Fun entertainment a mesh with struck in the consciousness of one of the junior amphrepreneurs
    Entrepreneurs Tomas wright.
    Creating the idea to revolutionize child entertainment in progress. Child entertainment into The future by bringing the characters that they are marketing to real life in the form of a restaurant
  • The creation of the "Playtime theater" pt2

    With the creation of these suits in the endoskeletons hired one of his close friends Madison Reed to oversee the production with him and help him produce the animatronics themselves.
    Tomas even introduces his son Timothy to the animatronics personally and quickly, the boy gains a close imaginary friendship with each and every one of them. Being extremely excited about his favorite cartoon characters are being brought to life.
  • The creation of the "Playtime Theater" pt1

    After the introduction of the Idea Decugon
    Industries begin working right away to bring this idea to life, putting Thomas as the head manager of the production.
    With the funds and creative liberties a he created a restaurant.
    The Restaurant he created mascot suits with very rudimentary endoskeleton animatronic suits with instead mascot suits.
    He chose four cartoon characters to base these suits on.
    Sunny Smile
    And her husband
    Button the Butler
    Fashionisto the mannequin
    And Doe the deer
  • Managers Needed

    After the creation of the animatronics and the construction of the passionately named "playtime theater"
    Thomas needed to assign someone into the managerial position.
    And he couldn't pick anyone better than his wife Jessica and his sister Miranda.
    Who were a pair of friends that were a force to be reckoned with whenever they were put together on the same task.
  • Period: to

    Opening and Smooth Sailing

    Its smooth sailing for the next 2 months the playtime theater is loved by many and all and selling tons and sons of toys and marketable plushies and jessica and Maranda are having a easy going time keeping the business afloat
  • a fun game of Ouija

    on the 11th of november
    12 year old Timothy Wright and peer pressured by his friends to perform a seance with a Oujia Board in the playtime theater at night
    ...he...was never seen again after that....
  • New security New Precautions

    In the recent weeks things have been...odd things have been moved or straight up gone missing
    in light of these disappearances Maddison created 2 security bots called Thingy and Dolly to keep things in check. they didn't run on the same code as the other aimatronics due to their enhanced tech but they workedjust as good as they had to to Hopefully stop the weird goings on
  • The 1972 Birthday fire

    An unfortunate event be fell this day whenever on a beautiful Birthday party an electrical fire was struck
    Due to either negligence, a mistake, or... Paraormal activity... A fire broke out whenever the candles were lit
    few lives were Lost.
    the lives of a mother and two of her sons and her husband and worker that was standing close by to make sure things went smoothly Madison Reed
  • Period: to

    Recuperation and Readjustment

    Due to the unfortunate accident at the playtime theater, it was forced to stay closed for 5 weeks while the building was cleaned up
    Funds were re-administered
    Construction was made to improve the wiring around the building
    The issue with the wiring was never found.... No loose wires... No water exposed exposed... There was nothing wrong it just happened...
    But time doesn't stop and progression move forward