
the constitution of the united states

  • Articles of Confederation adopted

    Articles of Confederation adopted
    The aticleles of confederation was the united states first plan of government it gave most of the power to the united states and left a weak central government.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    the treaty of paris lefed the united states cause it gave us most land. ffrom the Atlantic west to the mississippi river
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    Daniel Shays and hindreds of farmers rebled against the massachusetts high taxes on farm land.
  • the constitutional convection

    the constitutional convection
    the constitutional convection opened in independencehall, philidalphia.
  • Virginia plan

    Virginia plan
    the virginia plan siad that the central government should have three branches or parts.
  • new Jersey plan

    new Jersey plan
    the plan offered by small states at the convection 1787 that would have given all the states equal number of representitives
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    the northwest ordinance was a law of 1787 organizing the northwest territories for settled and ventury statehood.
  • the Great Compromise

    the Great Compromise
    a plan drawn up at the constitution in congres. 1787 the two form to houses of congres.
  • Preamble

    the introduction to the constitution.
  • sining of the constitution

    sining of the constitution
    the delagates of the c.c. all agread apon and sign the constitution.a plan of government in the united states if is supreme law and plan of the national government adopted in 1789
  • The Constitution ratified by first state

    The Constitution ratified by first state
    Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the Constitution.
  • Four more states ratified the Constitution

    Four more states ratified the Constitution
    Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Gorgia, cenneticute ratify the Constitution.
  • Constitution ratified by one mor state

    Constitution ratified by one mor state
    New Hamshire 8th state to ratify the constitution.
  • Debate over Bill of Rights

    Debate over Bill of Rights
    This debate was over protecting citezens rights delagates felt the rights must be apart of the constitution
  • First Presidend United States was elected

    First Presidend United States was elected
    The first President of the United States George Washington was chosen to be first U.S. President.
  • First President was sworn in or inauguranted

    First President was sworn in or inauguranted
    George Washington was inaugurated GNA balcony at New York City.
  • The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution

    The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution
    The Bill of Rights are the First 10 ammendments to the constitution. they were citezens written to protect the rights of citizens
  • Constitution ratified by one mor state

    Constitution ratified by one mor state
    Rhode Island ratified the Constitution
  • Supreme Court granted certain right

    Supreme Court granted certain right
    the head of the judical branch of fedral governmentit is the highest court in the country