The Conflict that Shook the Earth

By rmcniff
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
    Section 1 -- Origins of World War 1 -- War Begins
  • Germany declares war on Russia.

    Germany declares war on Russia.
    Section 1 -- Origins of World War 1 -- War Begins
  • Germany declares war on France.

    Germany declares war on France.
    Section 1 -- Origins of World War 1 -- War Begins
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany.

    Great Britain declares war on Germany.
    Section 1 -- Origins of World War 1 -- War Begins
  • Germany France and Britain got into a stalemate called the First Battle of Marne, which lasted three grueling years.

    Germany France and Britain got into a stalemate called the First Battle of Marne, which lasted three grueling years.
    Section 1 -- The Deadliest War -- None
  • France and Germany began the Battle of Verdun, one of the bloodiest and longest battles of the war.

    France and Germany began the Battle of Verdun, one of the bloodiest and longest battles of the war.
    Section 3 -- Setbacks and Advances -- The Battle of Argonne Forest
  • Tsar NicholasⅡis overthrown due to food shortages and military defeats.

    Tsar NicholasⅡis overthrown due to food shortages and military defeats.
    Section 1 -- Entering the War -- Russian Revolution
  • The new Russian government vows to stay in the war.

    The new Russian government vows to stay in the war.
    Section 1 -- Entering the War -- Russian Revolution
  • The U.S. declares war on the Central Powers.

    The U.S. declares war on the Central Powers.
    Section 1 -- Entering the War -- Declaring War
  • Vladimir Lenin signed the treaty of Brest Litovsk to bring Russia out of the war.

    Vladimir Lenin signed the treaty of Brest Litovsk to bring Russia out of the war.
    Sections 3 -- Setbacks and Advances -- Russia Makes Peace
  • The Americans troops narrowly succeeded in the defeating the Germans with barbed wire, artillery, and machine guns in the Battle of Belleau Wood.

    The Americans troops narrowly succeeded in the defeating the Germans with barbed wire, artillery, and machine guns in the Battle of Belleau Wood.
    Section 3 -- Setbacks and Advances --Turning the Tide
  • The Americans fights in their first battle along the French in the Battle of Château-Thierry.

    The Americans fights in their first battle along the French in the Battle of Château-Thierry.
    Section 3 -- Setbacks and Advances -- Germany Attacks
  • Deprived of supplies, unrelentlessly assaulted, and stricken with influenza, German forces along the Meuse River are crushed by the American troops in the Battle of Argonne Forest.

    Deprived of supplies, unrelentlessly assaulted, and stricken with influenza, German forces along the Meuse River are crushed by the American troops in the Battle of Argonne Forest.
    Section 3 -- Setbacks and Advances -- The Battle of Argonne Forest
  • The German government requested an armistice with the Allied Forces.

    The German government requested an armistice with the Allied Forces.
    Section 3 -- The Armistice -- None
  • The United States senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles due to the controversial issue of The League of Nations.

    The United States senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles due to the controversial issue of The League of Nations.
    Section 4 -- Battle Over the League -- Wilson’s Last Battle