the computer

  • first prototype

    1801-Joseph Marie invents a loom that uses punched wooden cards
  • first math machine

    1822-Charles Babbage conceives of a steam driven calculating machine
  • more punch card development

    1890-Herman Hollerith designs a punch card system
  • universal machine

    1936-Alan Turing presents notion of a universal machine
  • attempt to build first computer

    1937-Antanasoff atempts to build first computer
  • 29 answer computer

    1941-J.V. Antanasoff and Clifford Berry design a 29 answer computer
  • first electronic numerical machine

    1943-John Mauchly and J.Prespert Eckert build electronic numerical machine
  • invention of transister

    1947-William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Braitain invent the transister
  • first computer language

    1953-Grace Hopper creates first computer language

    1954-FORTRAN language is born
  • intregrated circuit

    1958-Jacky Kilby and Robert Noyce unveil intregated circuit
  • first computer

    1964-Douglas Englebart shows prototype of modern computer
  • operating system

    1969-Group of developers create operating system
  • Dram

    1970-DRAM created
  • floppy disk

    1971-Alan Shugart creates floppy disk