
The Colossus of Rhodes

  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Greats Death

    Alexander the Greats Death
    His death caused his generals to fight over who took what land. After they finally agreed with each other, the Rhodians sided with Ptolemy which angered Antigous. Which lead to the war. He died in June, 323 BC.
  • 305 BCE

    The War Before the Colossus

    The War Before the Colossus
    The war created by Antigous, was taken place before the Colossus was built. When Antigous son, Demetrius, went to take over Rhodes. He lost and left his equipment, which helped in creating the Colossus. The war took place in 305 BC.
  • 292 BCE

    The Colossus Creation

    Chares of Lindos built the Colossus for the people god, Helios. To show unity between the people. It was created in 292 BC.
  • 280 BCE

    When Chares of Lindos Died

    When Chares of Lindos Died
    He commitied suicide, for reasons unknown. But there are different stories about why he died. He died in 280 BC.
  • 226 BCE

    The Colossus Distruction

    There was a earthquake that made the Colossus break at its knees. The ruins stayed where they were for a long time open for everyonr to come and see. It was destroyed in 226 BC.