The history of nail polish

The History of Nail Polish

  • 3000 BCE

    The beginning

    The beginning
    Nail polish originated in China around 3000 B.C. The ingredients would include beeswax, gelatin, vegetable dye, and egg whites which would be mixed together to create a stain on their nails. The higher classes would wear darker colors like red, black, gold, or silver. The lower classes were not allowed to wear nail polish.
  • 2000 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Around the same time as the Chinese, The ancient Egyptians would stain their nails with stains based on Henna. This would show money, prosperity, and social order and just like the Chinese, red would be worn by upper classes like Cleopatra. Both men and women would wear nail polish.
  • 1 CE


    Nail polish began to disappear after a while but resurfaced during the Renaissance period.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    After nail polish had disappeared for a while it began to trend during the Renaissance Period. New trade deals with the Middle East, Europe, and India made nail polish able to spread and resurface. But just like the other periods, it only associated with the people who could afford nail polish.
  • 17th Century

    17th Century
    Nail polish in this century was featured in portraits and paintings. Nail polish was more common this century and working classes began to wear it more often.
  • 20th century

    20th century
    As time went on nail polish became very common in France, Italy, the U.S, and England. The first nail salons were established in France at this time too. Acrylic nails also became a trend in the mid 1900's and a nail style called "lunula" or "little moon" which meant that both the tip and the crescent at the cuticle were left bare and with just a glossy, clear top coat.
  • Present

    Nails nowadays range in many different styles, colors, and etc. Many people no matter what their age or gender are able to paint their nails and you can find many nail salons around your town. Nails let you express yourself and your style.