
The Colony On The Red River Timeline

  • HBC Founded

    HBC Founded
    Founded by two explorers: Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard des Groseilliers, with the help of Charles II Of England. HBC started in London, United Kingdom.
  • NWC Founded

    NWC Founded
    NWC was a fur trading company located in Montreal. It competed against HBC and was incresing in sucess against them.
  • Metis Settle In The Red River Valley

    Metis Settle In The Red River Valley
    The Metis settled along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, and built homes and shelters in that area. This event would soon become the selkirk settlement.
  • Founding of the Selkirk Settlement

    Founding of the Selkirk Settlement
    A project to do with colonization, organized by Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl Of Selkirk. It was set up on 300,000 square kilometers of land, which included Rupert's Land.
  • Pemmican Proclamation

    Pemmican Proclamation
    The Pemmican Proclamation stated the borders of the granted land to Lord Selkirk by the HBC. The proclamation was signed by the governor, Miles Macdonell.
  • Battle Of The Seven Oaks

    Battle Of The Seven Oaks
    A war-like battle between HBC and NWC, who were rivals in the fur trade. The Metis people fought for NWC, and named the battle "The Victory Of The Frog Plain."
  • Death Of Selkirk

    Death Of Selkirk
    Selkirk died April 8th, 1820.
  • HBC & NWC Merge

    HBC & NWC Merge
    In 1821, NWC was destroyed from the war of 1812, by the Americans. This forced the two companys to merge.
  • Canada Purchases Rupert's Land

    Canada Purchases Rupert's Land
    It was sold to Canada by HBC. Ruperts land included parts of Ontario, Quebec, and the Yukon.
  • Manitoba Enters Confederation

    Manitoba Enters Confederation
    This made Manitoba part of Canada, and made it the 5th province of Canada. After New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec.