The Colony of New York

  • Jan 1, 1524


    Giovanni da verazzano was the first white man to see manhattan
  • New York originated

    New York originated
    The colony of New York originated in 1609 and Dutch claims terretory of Henry Hudson
  • Period: to

    The timeline of the Colony New York

  • Trade Begins

    Trade Begins
    A thriving trade began between the Indians and the Dutch
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Company commisioned an eglish sea captain Henry Hudson
  • The Fort

    The Fort
    Constructing a fort , the Dutch
  • A charter

    A charter
    Dutch goverment granted a charter in 1621 to a group of merchants
  • Dutch Emigrants

    Dutch Emigrants
    The first settlers to arrive in Manhattan were the Dutch emigrants
  • Colony Settlement

    Colony Settlement
    A dutch colony settlement began in 1624 by the dutch, west Indian company
  • Peace

    The latter finally sued for peace which began in August 1645
  • The Dutch

    The Dutch
    The dutch possesed the new terrotory until 1664 also English captured the colony from the dutch.
  • Peace is back!

    Peace is back!
    The year brought peace between the english and the dutch
  • New York and Boston

    New York and Boston
    A horse-back postal service was initiated between New York and Boston
  • A hand-over

    A hand-over
    A hand-over occured in the Winter of 1674
  • New York

    New York
    New York was officially granted representative, start a goverment, though this remaind more theory then practice.
  • Royal Colony

    Royal Colony
    First they propriety governer under James, it became a royal colony in 1685
  • New York home

    New York home
    Nearly a thousand people called New York home and New York and particular the capital of albany had become hubs in the growing of independence of the American colonies
  • Colony

    7 of the 13 colonies essemblys met in Albany to discuss coming together for mutael deffense