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The colony of New York

  • Apr 1, 1524

    The first to see Manhattan

    The first to see Manhattan
    The first white man to see Manhattan was an Italian Explorer named Giovanni da Verrazano. He was working for the king of France.
  • Period: Apr 1, 1524 to

    The colony of New York

  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson sailed into the lower Bay of New York in his ship named the half moon.
  • Thriving Trade

    Thriving Trade
    A thriving trade began between the Indians and the Dutch.
  • The Dutch Goverment

    The Dutch Goverment
    The dutch goverment gave permission to a group of merchants to run the Dutchwest India Company.
  • First Settlers

    First Settlers
    The first settlers to arrive Manhattan were Dutch imigrants.
  • War betwwen England and Holland

    War betwwen England and Holland
    The events that happened when the British were stealing the Ducth Merchants ships led them to war in the year 1652.
  • Large land Gift

    Large land Gift
    Both the English and the Dutch were fighting for all the land and trading goods in the New World. The English King, Charles the second, gave the English, a large land gift which included New Netherland.
  • Peace

    The year 1667 brought peace between the English and Dutch.
  • Postal Service

    Postal Service
    A horseback postal service was initiated between New York and Boston.
  • The hand over

    The hand over
    The Dutch goverment realized that they would't win war against to large empires, England and France. The Dutch returned New Orange (New York) to the English. This hand over happened in the winter of 1674. New Orange survived a little over one year.
  • Officially Granted

    Officially Granted
    In 1683, New York was offically granted representative style of goverment, This remained more theory than practice.
  • New Amsterdam

    New Amsterdam
    Amsterdam was one of the largest colonies in terms of land. The colony of New Amsterdam began with just 30 Dutch families. By the mid-1700s, nearly 100,000 people called New Amesterdam their home.
  • Seven of the 13 colonies

    Seven of the 13 colonies
    Seven of the colonies assemblies met in Albany to disscuss coming together for mutual defense and goverment. The proposal was ultimatly rejected.