
The colonization of Morocco

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    Womens Work

    Womens Work
    Women had to stay at home clean and take care of the children. They did not have any control over their husband once they were married. They generally were to be mothers to their children. They had to fight for their rights.
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    Most of the Morrocan are Muslim. Their state religion is Islam. Morroco is also home to one of the biggest mosques. Named The Hassan II mosque in casablanca
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    Moroccan Diet

    Moroccan Diet
    The Moroccan people eat a vast amount of food they grew many fruits and vegetables like oranges, melons, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, and potatoes. The meat is usually lamb and chicken. The national dish is called tajine a type of stew made with lamb or poultry
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    Daily Clothing

    Daily Clothing
    The women in Morroco traditionally wear something called a kaftan, A kaftan is a long dress typically worn but women in many different cultures wear this type of clothing but it originated from ancient mesopatimian. But the clothing didn't make it to Morroco until the 16th century
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    Most Common Crop

    Most Common Crop
    The most common crop is wheat, barley, and Maize. This was only used for domestic consumption to sustain themselves and their family.
  • The colonization of Morocco

    The colonization of Morocco
    On March 30th, 1912 the french signed a protectorate over Morroco. The Morrocan soldiers tried to rise up against the french but were stopped by the french. The French troops and Morrocan nationalist were in many conflicts and resulted in many deaths caused by the military hostilities
  • Most Common Crop

    Most Common Crop
    Although the common crop of wheat, barley, and maize is still the most common crop. The French took advantage of the land the Morrocan had and increased production and grew the cash crops a lot more. Along with other crops.
  • Moroccan Diet

    Moroccan Diet
    The Morrocan food after colonization was changed as the french brought over some of their cuisines over. Morroco is so diverse in its people that is uses food from all different cultures
  • Religion

    After colonization from the French, I couldn't find any research indicating that the french had forced converted their religion. For the most part, most churches and religious places were not harmed during the colonization. Still to this day, Islam is the most popular religion there.
  • Daily Clothing

    Daily Clothing
    The Morrocan now wears a piece of clothing called a djellaba. This piece of clothing isn't just popular in Morroco it's popular all over the world. It has a hood called a qob. Men usually wear light-colored djellabas with a traditionally colored fez.
  • Womens Work

    Womens Work
    Women didn't have the right to education until the independence of France that they were finally able to go to school. The women were also artisans and worked in making clothing. After the colonization of France, they were finally able to learn and get a job. There is still a large wage gap between men and women.