Colombian exchange

The Colombian Exchange Timeline

  • Period: 1492 to

    The Colombian Exchange Important Dates

    A timeline of important dates in the Colombian exchange.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Sets Sail

    Columbus Sets Sail
    Christopher Columbus sets sail off of the Spanish ports on the Santa Maria trying to find a different route to China and India.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Christopher Columbus arrives in an island in the Bahamas after 10 long weeks of sailing, "discovering" the Americas.
  • 1493

    Spain in the new world

    Spain in the new world
    During his second voyage, Christopher Columbus founded Isabela on Hispaniola, an island in the Caribbean. It was the 1st permanent Spanish settlement in America.
  • 1500

    The slave trade begins

    The slave trade begins
    Europeans captured Native Americans and made them work long, hard hours for no pay. They also traded goods for Africans to make them slaves.
  • 1510

    The Triangular Trade Route

    The Triangular Trade Route
    The Triangular Trade Route was invented and established in the 1500's and was used for a very long time after that. It was a way of trading between Europe, America, and Africa. Sugar, furniture, and slaves were some things traded.
  • The lost Colony

    The lost Colony
    A colony on Roanoke Island disappeared suddenly, and there was a tree with the word "Croatoan" carved into it. It is a mystery that is still unsolved.
  • France joins the 13 Colonies

    France joins the 13 Colonies
    France started establishing colonies in the new world around 1600. Many chose to live in what is now Canada.
  • John Smith's life is saved

    John Smith's life is saved
    Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan of the Powhatan Native American tribe, saved John Smith, an English adventurer, when he was about to be killed by the tribe. Because of this a friendship between Jamestown and the Powhatans was created.
  • Pilgrims arrive in America

    Pilgrims arrive in America
    Pilgrims escaping from The Church of England finally arrive in Cape Cod after 66 days at sail on the Mayflower, though they originally intended to land near the Hudson River in New York.
  • The Native American Population Crisis

    The Native American Population Crisis
    By 1650, 90% of the Native American population died due to diseases brought over by Europeans. It is one of the biggest catastrophes in human history!