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The Colombian DDR Process - The economic reintegration

  • Demobilisation of Bloque Cacique Nutibara

    Demobilisation of Bloque Cacique Nutibara
    The demobilisation ceremony of Bloque Cacique Nutibara from Medellín, Antioquia, on 25th of November 2003 indicated the beginning of the DDR process.
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    The collective demobilisation of the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia

    Through 37 collective disarmament ceremonies 31.671 paramilitaries demobilised. Meanwhile nearly 10.500 combatants, mostly from the guerrilla groups, demobilised through the individual programme.
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    53.479 former combatants have - collectively and individually - demobilised.

  • Peace and Justice Law

    On 25th of July 2005 the Law 975 became the first step towards transitional justice in the process
  • Demobilisation of Bloque Élmer Cárdenas

    Demobilisation of Bloque Élmer Cárdenas
    The last collective demobilisation was the one of Bloque Élmer Cárdenas from Urabá, Antioquia, on 15th of August 2006.
  • The High Presidential Council for Reintegration

    The High Presidential Council for Reintegration
    On 7th of September 2006 Decree 3043 was adopted. It led to the establishment of the High Presidential Council for Reintegration (ACR), which was to take over the responsibility of the reintegration process of the both individually and collectively demobilised.
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  • Information System for the Reintegration

    This was an attempt by the ACR to improve the monitoring and evaluation of the reintegration process
  • President Santos

    President Santos
    The 7th of August 2010 former Minister of Defence Juan Manuel Santos becomes President of Colombia.
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  • Law of the Demobilised

    On 29th of December 2010 the Law 1424 was adopted, giving the demobilised a year to turn themselves in and fulfill the requirements for obtaining legal benefits.
  • Formalisation and Employment Generation Law

    On 29th December 2010 Law 1429 was adopted. It creates an economic initiative to employ vulnerable populations including demobilised. It also makes it easier to formalise companies from the informal sector.
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    Period of which the demobilised can become active in the reintegration process

    Period of which the demobilised can become active in the reintegration process and thereby receive legal benefits.
  • Decree 1391

    Decree 1391 regulates the economic benefits for the participants of the reintegration process.
  • Resolution 163

    On 31th of May 2011 Resolution 163 was adopted. It explains details of the new legal framework for the reintegration process.
  • Victims and Land Restition Law

    On 10th of June 2011 Law 1448 was adopted indicating a shift towards the victims in the peace process.
  • The Colombian Agency for Reintegration

    On 3rd of November 2011 Decree 4138 was adopted. It changes the institutional set-up of the reintegration process by establishing the Colombian Agency for Reintegration
  • Deadline for the signing up for the Law of the Demobilised

    Demobilised, who have not fulfilled the requirements of Law 1424 by 28th of December 2011, will be prosecuted for consent to crime.