The cold war timeline

By jodobo
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    The iron curtain

    The boundary dividing Europe into 2 separate zones with the communist and British and everyone else not in support in communism
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    The Yalta Conference

    Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met at a soviet resort to discuss the postwar world and discuss agreement about different things with how Poland would be governed as a key issue.
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    Harry Truman

    first president of the cold war
  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    The second world war ended when Germany surrendered to The Allied forces
  • The Creation of the United Nations

    The Creation of the United Nations
    Delegates from 39 countries met to discuss a new formation to be created to help protect the nation security in the world
  • The long telegraph

    The long telegraph
    Kennan sent a telegraph over 5,000 words from Moscow to the secretary of state discussing a new strategy for the diplomatic relations with the soviet union
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    The red scare

    hysteria infested the US in the late 1940s and early 1950s over the point that communist may be spreading in the US.
  • The truman docterin

    The truman docterin
    Truman asked congress of be able to give Turkey and Greece 400 million dollars to help fight the spread of communism.
  • The Marshall plan

    The Marshall plan
    The plan to aid Parts of Europe to help build there economies back up
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    The Berlin airlift

    The soviet union blocked western Germany hoping the US would reconsider there decision to merge the 3 zones that they controlled but the US sent in care packages with food.
  • The creation of NATO

    The creation of NATO
    A mutual defense alliance created between 12 countries in the fear that the soviet union was bent on conquest and they needed a way to stop them and so they could come to each others aid if need be
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    The practice of making accusations of a person that they are communism with out much evidence if any at all
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    The Korean War

    The war between north Korea and south Korea where north Korea invaded south Korea because of boarder disputes
  • Duck and cover

    Duck and cover
    The campaign and movie about Bert the Turtle to help ease the terror of bombs by ducking and covering for kids
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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    The second president during the cold war
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    US citizens that were convicted and sentenced to death for the act of treason agonist the US for giving secrets about Nuclear bombs to Russia .
  • The Warsaw pact

    The Warsaw pact
    A defense agreement signed by the soviet union and 7 different soviet satellite states
  • The Suez Crisis

    The Suez Crisis
    British and French forces invaded Egypt but Eisenhower got mad at what they were doing and then the soviet union threatened to bomb Britain and France so then the Us threatened to bomb the Soviet Union if they bombed the French and British so everyone backed down.
  • Eisenhower Docterin

    Eisenhower Docterin
    The policy to have the use of the military to support the middle east when ever communism is on the rise
  • The U-2 incident

    The U-2 incident
    the Soviet Union shot down a US spy plane and then called off the Summit that would have hopefully decreased tensions