The use of the Atomic Bomb
The use of the atomic bomb was to finish the War and to prove that the United States are still the strongest cuntry in the world. Canada had a part in this with their scientest figureing out how to get the bomb to work. -
Gouzenko Affair
Igor Gouzenko was a clerk fir the soviet Embassy in Canada on September 5th 1945 with 109 documents he left the embassy with the paypers. First he went to the local police but they closed the door on his face saying something like "we can't help you this is to big for us." Then he went to the RCMP and they did the same thing so he went to the government in the morning. -
Formation of the United Nations
The Formation of the United Nations on October 24, 1945. The majority of 50 Countries signed the UN Charter in San Francisco on June 26, 1945. Canada Is a part of the United Nations Because Canada agrees with what they beleve for. -
formation of NATO
NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This organisation means that the Curtries in the North will not go to war for the artic circle. Canada has a part of the artic circle So we are appart of this treaty. -
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Korean War
The Korean War lasted 3 ] years 1 month and 2 days. Canada was involved on the side of the united nations with 26 000 troops and 8 destroyers over to end the fighting. The primary reasons of the Korean war is in 1945. When the`Japan Surrendered to the Allied forces, It divided the Koreans in north Koria and South Korea. -
Suez Crisis
This Ceisis was a lilitary and political confronting in egypt that threatened to divide the United States and Great Britain. Witch would potencialy theraten the western Militart alliance. Witch includes Canada -
formation of the Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw pact was a collective defense treaty among eight communist states of central and Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War. Including Canada. -
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Vietnam War
The War Of Vietnam started November 1st 1955. Canada did not fight in the Vietnam War and diplomatically it was "officially non-beregerent". But, Canada was still affected by the war. -
formation of NORAD
NORAD is the North AMerican Aero Space Defence Command. This is a United States And Canada bi-national organization charge with the mission of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. -
The Cancellation of the Avro Arrow
The Aver Canada Cf-105 Arrow was an airplaine that was Manufactured from the Company Avro Canada. Witch was cancelled 20 February 1959. And only 5 were built. -
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Cuban Missile Crisis
SALT Treaty
The Salt River First Nation Settled an Agreement that was signed by the Salt river First Nation, the govenment of Canada and The Government if the north wast Territories. This Treaty was to ensure that the First Nations of the area will Own the area. -
Strategic Defense Initiative
The Strategic Aerospace Defence Initiative also know as Star Wars, was a program first initiates on march 23, 1983, The program was developed a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, secifically the Soviet Union. And the system allowed the United states and Canada to be protected. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The B erlin Wall was more than a barrier, and a physical divsion of East and west Berlin.With the Berlin wall torn down it is an economic miracle because the Germans in East and west Germany can do trade. And the rest of the world can do trade with them. -
break up of the Soviet Union
In December 29, 1991 the Soviet Union Was Dissolution as a result of the declaration no. 142-h of the Superme Soviet the Soviet Union. So communism was Removed from the USSR government and the Canadians gained from this because now they can trade.