
The Cold War Timeline

  • The Creations of the United Nations

    The Creations of the United Nations
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt was 1st used int the declaration by U.S. during WW2.
  • The End of WW2

    The End of WW2
    a war between other countries that lasted from 1939-1945
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    Also know for as the Crimea conference and code named the Argonaut conference
  • The Long Telegraph

  • Iron Curtain

    another name for boundary dividing Europe in 2 separate areas of WW2 at the end of the cold war
  • Truman Doctrine

    A american foreign policy that stated the soviet union geological expansion during WW2
  • Marshall Plan

    An american to aid western Europe the U.S. gave $13 billion of assistance
  • Berlin Blockade/Airlift

    One of the major crisis during the cold war Soviet union blocked allies from the western railroad and canal access.
  • The Creation of NATO

    Soviet Union and affiliated communist nations in western European founded Warsaw pact in 1955. (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
  • The Warsaw Pact

    A defense organization that included the Soviets in command of the force. 8 other states as well.