Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was an imaginary line created by Russia and it was thought of as the boundary between East Europe (Democratic) and West Europe (Communist). -
United Nations (U.N.) was created.
The UN was officially signed to replace the faulty League of Nations, and to make sure there wasn't going to be a WW3. -
Marshall Plan
This was the plan created by the U.S. to help torn countries in Europe in the hopes to gain favor against communism, mainly against the Iron Curtain from spreading further. -
CIA was created
The CIA was officially created to gather intelligence of both foreign and national lands. -
Truman Doctrine/ Containment
President Truman signed the Truman Doctrine to help put a lid on Communism. Like the Marshall Plan, it was designed to stop the Iron Curtain. -
Berlin Airlift (start)
Starting day that U.S./ West Europe sends supplies via airlift due to Soviet blockades in East Berlin to people who were starving and without food. -
Berlin Airlift (end)
Day Russians take down barricades from East Berlin, designating supplies via airlift no longer needed. -
Korean War (start)
Start of the Korean war. Was against North and South Korea, and was about Communism. The North wanted to go communist, and the South did not, it wanted to stay democratic, and they warred. -
Korean War (end)
End of the Korean War. They both signed an Armistice agreement to halt the war. -
Sputnick was launched
Sputnik, the Russian satillite, was launched, causing Americans to be paranoid of the Russian's increasing advancement of space technology, and leaving us afraid of their nuclear weapons, thus starting us on the space race. -
Space Race (start)
America begins competing with Russia in a race to create the best space technology, beginning when the Russians launched their satillite, Sputnik. -
Vientam War (start)
This is the day that the Vietnam War started to prevent Communism from spreading. -
Hawks and Doves Period starts
Hawks were people who were pro-Vietnam War, and Doves were people who were Anti-Vietnam War -
Joseph McCarthy is elected to office
Joseph McCarthy is elected to office, and immidietly begins on his Anit-Communist acts. He relentlessly accuses government employees, entertainment stars, and politicians of being Communist over the next year, until he was elected out of office. -
Bay of Pigs invasion
This was the day that the Cuban exiles invaded Cuba to assassinate Fidel Castro, yet the mission was a failure due to America not providing air support. This lead to Cuba turning to the Russians for support, and thats when the Cuban Missile Crisis occured. -
Cuban Missile Crisis (start)
When the U-2 Spy Plane first spotted Russian Nuclear missiles in Cuba. -
Vietnam War (end)
This is the day that we back out of Vietnam and stop wasting our time, money, and supplies on trying to hold off Communism. -
Iron Curtain (end)
The day Communism was officially dropped in Russia, due to the overthrow of the Communist leader ad lack of Communist support.