The Cold War Project

By jrith
  • Yalta Conference - G

    Yalta Conference - G
    The Yalta Conference lead to the Cold War due to the fact that the conference gave control of Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union. This event is considered Geographic because of the occurring event.
  • Hiroshima: Little Boy - G

    Hiroshima: Little Boy - G
    President Harry Truman was warned that invading Japan would result in a big amount of casualties. This resulted in the bombing of Hiroshima, which was considered as "the faster option". So, "Little Boy" was dropped onto Hiroshima. The bombing of HIroshima would be categorized under the theme of Geographic because it killed ~146K people.
  • Nagasaki: Fat Man - E

    Nagasaki: Fat Man - E
    President Harry Truman was warned that invading Japan would result in a big amount of casualties. Which resulted in the drop of the second bomb known as "Fat Man". This caused ~80K deaths.
  • Vietnam Independence - P

    Vietnam Independence - P
    Ho Chi Minh, former Prime Minister of Vietnam, declared Vietnam's independence. Japan occupied Vietnam during WWII. After WWII, Japan left. Vietnam saw this as an opportunity to declare independence.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift - S

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift - S
    The Berlin Blockade was one of the first major international crises that occurred during the Cold War. The blockade was when the Russians wanted Berlin all to themselves. So, the Russians blocked off highways and railroads so that the people of Berlin had no way of getting food. This event goes under the Social theme because of the fact that people weren't treated equally.
  • Korean War - C

    Korean War - C
    The Korean War was a war between North and South Korea. The war started with North Korea invading the South. The United Nations sided with the South Korean's while the Republic of China was sided with the North. This event would go under the category of Cultural because some people are siding with the other and vice versa.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact - Psy

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact - Psy
    The Warsaw Pact was a treaty between the Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria. This treaty allowed any of the 7 states to come in and form a defense against any outside or opposing force. This event would be Psychological because of the fact that the 7 states that have the option to defend each other can change the outcome of what happens to the opposing force.
  • Vietnam War - R

    Vietnam War - R
    The Vietnam War was a war between North and South Vietnam. This resulted in 3 million overall deaths, which the Vietnamese made up half of. The US also got involved in the war due to the fact that they don't want communism spreading, which makes this event religious.
  • Hungarian Revolution - C

    Hungarian Revolution - C
    The Hungarian Revolution started off with a speech about the freedom of debate and criticism. This caused a breakout of an active fight. The rebels won the first phase of the revolution and made Imre Nagy premier. He declared Hungarian Neutrality and caused to the Soviet Union to revolt. This event would be cultural due to the fact that the fight broke out because people had different views on things.
  • Space Race - I

    Space Race - I
    The Space Race was a competition between the US and the Soviet Union to see who gets to the moon first. This started due to the fact that both the US and the Soviet Union wanted to launch satellites into space and to assert dominance. This event would go under the category of intellectual because of the fact that the US and Soviet Union were seeing who could advance when it comes to technology, to see who could land on the moon first.
  • 1960 U-2 Incident - I

    1960 U-2 Incident - I
    The USSR shot down an American U-2 spy plane and captured Francis Gary Powers, who was the pilot. President Eisenhower was then forced to admit that the CIA had been flying spy planes around the USSR for several years. This event would go under the category of intellectual because of the fact that the CIA had been spying on the USSR to gain knowledge and new information.
  • Soviet-Afghan War - R

    Soviet-Afghan War - R
    The Soviet-Afghan War was an invasion of Afghanistan from the Soviet Union. The Soviet did this to grow a communist government. This event would go under the category of religious because of the fact that the Soviets are attempting to grow a communist government.
  • End of Soviet Union - P

    End of Soviet Union - P
    The end of the Soviet Union granted self-governing independence to the 15 countries in the union.The Soviet Union ended due to the fact that their revenue was slowing down causing Gorbachev to resign as leader of the USSR. This event is political due to the fact that the leader of the USSR resigned.
  • Relevance of the Cold War - I

    The Cold War has had a big influence on the decisions the US and other countries make today. The main influence today is the US and the Soviet union. Both have stacked up a large amount of nuclear weapons to destroy each other. These nukes still exist today, which can affect both financially and cause worry about the weapons getting into the hands of the wrong people. This would go under the category of intellectual because of the fact that this may change the way people live.
  • Interview - Mom

    Q1: Definition of the Cold War?
    A1: The Cold War was a period of time when countries would threaten or assist another
    Q2: What thoughts come to mind when you hear "The Cold War"?
    A2: First 2 things that come to mind are the US and the USSR
    Q3: Were you afraid during the Cold War?
    A3: Yes, because of the fact that I lived in Vietnam