Stalin Blockade
The blockade lasted from june 24. 1948 - May 12, 1949. Stalin put up the blockade cutting supplies and transit between West Berlin and West Germany, the West then responded with massive airlifts supplying different goods that were needed. Ranked ninth. -
Korean War
The war took place June 25,1950 - July 27, 1953. This was the first military action of the cold war. It started with North Korea passing the 38th parallel. The U.S. joined on the South Korean side, then tried to make armistice with North Korea to stop an even bigger war from taking place. Ranked seventh. -
Vietnam War
This war lasted from November 1st, 1955 - April 30, 1975. The U.S backed the Southern Vietnamese as they battled the Northern vietnamese, they both wanted to reunify but one wanted a communist country while the other wanted a democratic. Ranked first. -
Suez Canal Crisis
This crisis lasted from July 26, 1956 - March, 1957. The Egyptian government took control of the canal even though a British and French company owned it, this caused casualties in different relationships during the war. Ranked eleventh. -
Space race
Lasted from 1957 - 1969, The space race was the soviets and the U.S. trying to prove who was better by sending people to the moon and seeing who could do it the fastest and most efficiently. Lasted 12 years. Ranked fifth. -
U-2 incident
Lasted May 5, 1960 - May 17, 1960. The soviet air space shot down a U.S. spy plane, this then caused the soviet leader to walk out on the first day of the paris peace summit. Ranked tenth -
Cuban Missle Crisis
Lasted from October 22, 1962 - November 20, 1962. Kennedy had set up a blockade in Cuba as the two sides ( U.S. and the soviets) stood at the brink of nuclear war, both sides eventually dismantled all missiles. Ranked sixth. -
Soviets downing Korean Air Lines Flight 007
The soviets had thought that the unlabeled aircraft was a U.S. spy plane so they sent up warning shot then eventually it got shot down and crashed into the sea. Ranked fourth. -
Soviet War in Afghanistan
Started in december 1979 and lasted until the soviets withdrew in February 1989. This was a 9 year conflict that had over 1,000,000 civilian casualties, 90,00 mujahideen fighter casualties, 1,800 Afghan fighter casualties and 4,500 soviets. ATher the war in 1996 the Taliban took control. Ranked second. -
Yom Kippur War
The war lasted from October 6, 1973 - November 1973. The Arabians led a surprise attack on the israelis, this was the final bloodiest war between the Arabs and the Israeli. Ranked third. -
"Able Archer" Military Exercise.
Was held in November of 1983. This was used to test the command and procedures for setting of a nuke incase the soviets really ever followed through with their threats. Ranked eighth.