The Cold War

  • Korean Peoples Republic was formed

    Korean Peoples Republic was formed
    Bad - lead to the Korean war
  • U.S. Military establish government of Syngman Rhee in South Korea.

    U.S. Military establish government of Syngman Rhee in South Korea.
    good - South Korea was not communist
  • Winston Churchill makes Iron Curtain speech in Fulton, Missouri.

    Winston Churchill makes Iron Curtain speech in Fulton, Missouri.
    Very good - the Iron curtain was not good
  • Civil War breaks out in Greece between British-backed monarchists and communists.

    Civil War breaks out in Greece between British-backed monarchists and communists.
    Very bad - more people died
  • Harry Truman announces Truman Doctrine and the provision of aid to Greece.

    Harry Truman announces Truman Doctrine and the provision of aid to Greece.
    Good - Greece needed help to handle the civil war
  • United Nations General Assembly call for elections in Korea.

    United Nations General Assembly call for elections in Korea.
    Very good - allowed for Korean voices to be heard in their country
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Very bad - no supplies were getting to Berlin
  • In a speech by Bernard Baruch the term Cold War is used for the first time.

    In a speech by Bernard Baruch the term Cold War is used for the first time.
    Nutral - term war what was going on was used for the first time
  • Chinese communist forces capture Manchuria.

    Chinese communist forces capture Manchuria.
    Very bad - people captured and killed Manchurians
  • United Nations recognizes the government of South Korea.

    United Nations recognizes the government of South Korea.
    Good- allowed Korean to join the recognized countries
  • The Berlin Airlift comes to an end.

    The Berlin Airlift comes to an end.
    very good - supplies are allowed into Berlin
  • Pope Pius XIII condemns those who support communism.

    Pope Pius XIII condemns those who support communism.
    very good - communism was condemned by all Catholics by extension.
  • Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb.

    Harry Truman orders the development of the hydrogen bomb.
    not good - hydrogen bomb could kill many many people
  • North Korean forces invade South Korea.

    North Korean forces invade South Korea.
    Very bad - war is no good and kill many innocent lives