
the cold war

  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The "Red Scare" was like a way that the U.S. government was using a subliminal messages to the population making the Soviets look bad, even though they were not mentioned on it.
    It was the way for the government to get their people to start disliking the Soviets even making movies about it suggesting stuff about the Soviets.
    This is related to the Cold war, because it was the beginning of the Americans to go against the Soviets.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was from an speech from Winston Churchill which basically talked about not letting the communism spear out from Russia.
    He talked about expressing that it was like a sickness, he wanted to keep all the communism ideals inside Russia and do anything to keep it that way.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The conference it was to stop the Nazis and put an end to it, and also in the conference they decided that they were not gonna make pay Germany for what happened during war, because that was started everything from a beginning.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    This was an organization where the countries that involve it conserve the peace in the world and get into the middle of the way in case that a new war would to start again.
    This organization started from the Yalta conference which helped resolve and put end to the Nazis.
  • The Long Telegram

    This was called the long telegram because it was a document sent detailing how the Soviets were and the communism as a whole.
    In this telegram the communism is written and told like a sickness and that s something that the people should be afraid of.
    This influenced a lot in the Red Scare
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    This was a policy from president Truman that was to support and help countries that were influenced or used by the Soviets.
    They U.S. used a proactive approach, it also was committed full on into fighting the communism worldwide.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Europe was on one of their worst stages, so this was a plan from the U.S. to help countries that would change into having a democratic government for accepting the U.S. money.
    The U.S. would only help the countries who would change, but for countries that were only communist they would not get anything of U.S.
    This is related to the Cold War because it was a plan from the U.S. to get other countries from Europe in our side and save them from being communist to not let it spread.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was a plan from the Soviets to not let the U.S. or any other country to take over, and also to not let them have anything and just die basically.
    The U.S. sent planes over all Berlin over a year to safe Berlin and get their side.
    This is related to the Cold War because it was the U.S. doing everything they could for the communism not to spread.
  • NATO

    This was another association like the Allies or Axis powers, but the difference was that it was over seas.
    This mainly was an association started for the U.S. to keep the Soviets or better said to not let the communism from spreading anywhere else.
    This relates to the Cold War because with this association if there was anything going on they would get into the middle and not let the communism get out of the Soviet Union.
  • NSC-68

    This was an important document made by president Truman, which started the Cold War basically.
    In this document it refers and talks about how Soviets, and communism would be handle from there on.
    This is explicitly related to the Cold War because it was the event that launched the whole Cold War against the communism in Europe.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Korean was divided in two different sectors, one controlled by the Soviets and other ones controlled by the U.S.
    The side controlled by the Soviets starts going and attacking, Truman goes and asks the United Nations for support they agree into helping, but it does not go the way they wanted to be and get stock in one corner of Korea, at the end MacArthur the one in charged gets through it and sets everything like it was before.
  • popular culture in the cold war

    popular culture in the cold war
    As worries about nuclear war and communist infiltration filled the public imagination ,cold war themes soon appeared in films , plays , television , the titles of dance tunes , and popular fiction
  • Massive Retaliation

    Massive Retaliation
    The soviet union had tested an atomic bomb and consolidated its hold on Eastern Europe .China had fallen to communist ,and American troops were fighting in Korea
  • Duck and Cover

    Duck and Cover
    This was an important event of History because literally to the open said that basically there was a possibility of getting bomb by nuclear weapons.
    This thought the children from school what to do if there was the cause of a nuclear bomb explosion.
  • McCarty's rise and fall

    McCarty's rise and fall
    in 1953 McCarthy became chairman of the senate subcommittee on investigations , which forced government officials to testify about alleged communist influences
  • facing Bomb

    facing Bomb
    Americans were shocked when soviets successfully tested the more powerful hydrogen bomb ,or H-bomb, in 1953.
  • The Rosenbergs

    The Rosenbergs
    They were executed for being spy's for the Soviet Union getting crucial information from the United States to the Soviets giving them advantage.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was the respond of the Soviets after west Germany joins NATO in 1955.
    They decide to make alliances with countries that are behind of the Iron Curtain.
    Their goal was to protect Europe from the U.S.S.R.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    It was a foreign policy that provided support to any eastern European country that needed economic or military aid to fight off a communist aggression.
    In this may countries where helped to be safe from the communist and also made some countries be democrats on the procce by being help.