The Iron Curtain is Created
The Iron Curtain was a political, military, and ideological barrier created by the Soviet Union after World War II. It was created to seal itself off from the West and other regions who were non-communist in Government. Encyclopedia Britannica. (2015, 11 13). Retrieved 12 7, 2015, from The Iron Curtain: http://www.britannica.com/event/Iron-Curtain -
The Marshall Plan is Implemented
Officially named the European Recovery Program (ERP), the Marshall Plan was an aid program implemented by the United States of America to help support and rebuild Western Europe after WWII. The United States gave $13 billion in recovery support for this program. US Department of State: Office of the Historian. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 7, 2015, from Milestone: The Marshall Plan, 1948: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/marshall-pla -
Berlin Airlift
Not long after the end of WWII, once friendly relations with the Soviet Union became hostile, thus sprung the first crisis of the Cold War. The Soviet Union blocked a railway which lead prevented access to water in the “allied controlled Berlin”. The United States responded with air dropping aid to people in Berlin.
US Department of State: Office of the Historian. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 7, 2015, from Milestone: The Berlin Airlift 1948: https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/berlin-airlift -
The Formation of NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 by the United States, Canada and several Western European nations in response to the sesecurity need from the Soviet Union. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from A Short History of Natlo: http://www.nato.int/history/nato-history.html -
Korean War
The Korean War was the first Military action taken during the Cold War. It was a war between the soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. History Channel. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2015, 2015, from Korean War: http://www.history.com/topics/korean-war -
Creation of the Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was the Communist version of NATO. Commonly referred to as WarPac, the Warsaw Pact was treaty between 8 communist states of Central Europe during the Cold War lead by the Soviet Union. Historian, D. o. (n.d.). Warsaw Treaty Organiaztion. Retrieved December 7, 2015, from https://history.state.gov/milestones/1953-1960/warsaw-treaty -
Veitnam War
The Veitnam war started in another response to coummunism during the Cold War. The war pitted North Veitnam against it's souther ncommunist counterpart South Veitnam. History Channel. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2015, 2015, from Veitnam War: http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war -
Soviet Invasion of Hungary
In 1956, the Soviets invaded Hungary. This occupation lasted for 45 years until the end of the Cold War. BBC. (2015, December 7). Retrieved from BBC: On this Day: http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/november/4/newsid_2739000/2739039.stm -
Sputnik Crisis
The Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth sattelite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The response from the United States was to declare this a crisis. Essentially it was a power struggle/space race between two competing powers at the time, and it ended up being a turning point in the Cold War. Launius, R. D. (n.d.). NASA. Retrieved December 7, 2015, from Sputnik and the Origins of the Space Age: http://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/sputorig.html -
U-2 Incident
The U-2 Incident refers to a U2 spy plane being shot down over Soviet Union airspace. The incident lead to the capture of Francis Gary Powers on charges of espionage, as the US was forced to admit they had been spying on the Soviet Union for years.
History.com. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from U-2 spy incident: http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/u2-spy-incident -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs was a botched attempt to invade Cuba and overthrow their new leader, Fidel Castro. John F. Kennedy: Presedential Library and Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2015, from The Bay of Pigs: http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/The-Bay-of-Pigs.aspx -
Rise of the Berlin Wall
During the earlier stages of the Cold War, West Berlin became a loophole through which thousands of East Germans fled from Communism to Democracy. In response, the Communist Eastern German erected a wall over night to encircle it’s West Berlin. The Art of Good Government. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall: http://www.theartofgoodgovernment.org/berlinwall.html -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviet had missiles stored in Cuba and when the The United States found out about it, contemplated bombing Cuba. JFK later decided that it would intensify tension with the Soviet Union. The US and USSR were very close to a nuclear war in which tensions lasted 13 days, after which both countries agreed to remove their missiles from Cuba and Turkey. History Channel. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2015, 2015, from Cuban Missile Crisis http://www.history.com/topics/cuban-missile-crisis -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
In 1989, as the Cold War was drawing to a close, relations between East and West Berlin began to simmer. On November 9 1989, the Berlin Wall came down. The Art of Good Government. (n.d.). Retrieved from The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall: http://www.theartofgoodgovernment.org/berlinwall.html -
The Dissolution of the USSR
The Fall of the USSR marked the end of the Cold War. This also marked a shift in the global political climate as communist relations dissolved as well.