The Cold War

  • Berlin Airlift

    The 1st major international crisis Western allies started a major airlift to counter the berlin blockade (June 24, 1948- May 12, 1949)
  • Creation of NATO

    Created in Washington DC, it was an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 states
  • Korean War

    Fought between North Korea and South Korea, it started when North Korea invaded South Korea (June 25, 1950- July 27, 1953)
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Also known as the treaty of friendship, was signed between Poland and the soviet union and 7 other eastern socialist republics created in reaction to the interrogation of west Germany into NATO
  • Vietnam War

    the war started because of the spread of communism during the cold war and European imperialism in Vietnam (November 1, 1955-April 30, 1975)
  • Sputnik

    The first artificial Earth satellite, it was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit by the soviet union
  • Construction of Berlin Wall

    a concrete structure that divided west berlin from the east german territory
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    a major confrontation that brought the US and the soviet union close to war (October 16, 1962- October 29, 1962)
  • Moon landing

    The first human-made object to touch the moon was the soviet union's Luna 2 Niel Armstrong and Edwin buzz were the first humans to walk on the moon
  • Destruction of the Berlin Wall

    a concrete structure that divided west berlin from the east german territory was torn down