Cold war title

The cold war

  • United States vs. U.S.S.R

    United States vs. U.S.S.R
    two major super powers coming out of the war
  • Germany

    Democratic government in the west, west germany and west berlin.
  • Japan

    U.S occupation under macarthur, democracy, dominant economy
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    United Nations and The Warsaw pact
  • Beginning of the cold war

    Beginning of the cold war
    yalta conference, soviet control of eastern europe
  • Democracy

    democracy and the free enterprise vs dictatorship and communism
  • iron curtain

    iron curtain
    Winston Churchill described the soviet uniun as a "iron cutain" divinding the contient
  • President Truman

    President Truman
    policy of containment
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    the european recovery program is commonly known as the marshall plan. helped european countries rebuild.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    code of conduct for the treatment of people
  • NATO

    North Alantic Treaty organization, western european countries formed a military allaiance
  • chiang kai-shek (jiang jeishi)

    chiang kai-shek (jiang jeishi)
    became leader of nationalist china (taiwan island)
  • chinese civil war

    chinese civil war
    china was divided into 2 nations
  • mao tse-tung (mao zedong) (chairman mao)

    mao tse-tung (mao zedong) (chairman mao)
    became the leader of communist china (mainland china)
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    38th paralell,north korean troops invaded south korea, the us following thier policy of containment, sent troops to help repel the invaders. the war ended with an armistice
  • Deterence

    teh belief of having large amounts of nuclear weapons by both superpowers would prevent nuclear attack because both sides could strike back with devestating power
  • Battle at dien bien phu

    Battle at dien bien phu
    The veitnamese defeated the french and pushed them out of vietnam
  • ho chi minh

    ho chi minh
    became leader of communist north veitnam
  • Warsaw pact

    Warsaw pact
    the soviet union responded to NATO by forming this group
  • vietnam war

    vietnam war
    domino theory,
  • The united states

    The united states
    applied the containment theory to ending communism in vwitnam by sneding troops to fight
  • berlin wall

    berlin wall
    a powerful symbol of the division between east and west during the cold war
  • Cuban missle crisis

    Cuban missle crisis
    the brink of nuclear war, President JFK imposed a naval blockade of cibato prevent soviet ships carrying missles from reaching the island
  • indira gandhi (indian presdient)

    indira gandhi (indian presdient)
    deveoped a closer relationship with the societ union and developed a nuclear program
  • The paris peace accords

    The paris peace accords
    Ended the fighting in veitnam by the unted staes
  • North veitnam defeated south vitnam

    North veitnam defeated south vitnam
    veitnam was reunited as a communist country
  • deng xiaoping (chinese leader)

    deng xiaoping (chinese leader)
    reformed communist chinas economy to a market economy leadin to rapid economic growth , but kept control of the government
  • maragaret thatcher (british prime minister)

    maragaret thatcher (british prime minister)
    close relationship with the united states
  • mikhail gorbachev (soviet leader)

    mikhail gorbachev (soviet leader)
    insituted policies of glasnost and perestorika which ed to the fall of the soviet union
  • berlin wall came down

    berlin wall came down
    east and west germany reunified
  • soviet union

    soviet union
    economic collapse and break up