Period: to
The Cold War
The Cold War and events during. Dates with random number (usually low numbers or random high number), unless otherwise stated, have no specific date, besides month and year -
Yalta Conference
A wartime conference consisting of the leaders of United States (FDR), USSR (Stalin), and Britain (Churchill).They discussed Europes plan to build and how to work with Europe after WWII. -
Potsdam Conference
United States,Britain, and the USSR attended this meeting to discuss how to defeat Nazi Gemany. -
Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
Churchill presented a speech at Westminster College proclaiming an ideological and poltical barrier in Eastern Europe divinding Communist and Democratic entities. -
Truman Doctrine
President Truman's advocation of a policy of support for "free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressres," via implication, no matter where in the world. -
Marshall Plan
Jun 1947. United States funding was used as aid to help rebuild European nations after WWII to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism. -
UN Resolution
Palestine was divided into two parts, 1 Jewish and 1 Arab. It resulted in tension among the Arabs because they were getting displaced and felt their land was being invaded. -
Communist Takeover Czechoslovakia
Feb 1948. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, with Soviet assistance, performed a coup d'etat and assumed control of Czechoslovakia, allowing four decades of dictatorship. -
Communist Takeover Hungary
Late Feb 1948. "Victorius February" The KMP (Communist Party of Hungary) are elected into office after trials and struggles to maintain its party, along with all other parties being deemed unworthy/being dissolved. "Peacefully." -
Israel Declares Independence
After an invasion of Israel after declaring independence (supported by the US) by the Arabs (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq supported by the Communists), a turn of events resulted in disputes over Jerusalem and much more and the superpowers were forced to intervene. -
Berlin Blockade
The Soviet Union blockade the Western Allies' railway, roads and canals to their controlled portion of Berlin. Forced the Allies to retaliate with "Berlin Airlife" dropping off tons of supplies throughout the year to their Berlin. -
Decolonization of India
Pacifist Mahandas Gandhi, a lawyer turned activist, frees India from colonization by Britain by passive resistance. Marked the demise of the British Empire. -
NATO Founded
The signatures of the Treaty of Brussels decide to cooperate economically and militarily with Italy, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Iceland and then signed a treaty with Canada and the United States, creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. -
East and West Germany Seperate
East and West Germany forally seperate in late 1949 after the Berlin Bloackade is resolved via USSR "submission". -
Korean War
Late June 1950, North Krorea invades South Korea. The war progresses and N. Korea gains support from China and South Korea gets assistance from the United States and the United Nations. The US intervened formarly assuming that Mao Zedong was a Soviet Puppet and used China to spread Communism. Eventually, the war ended in armistice on June 16, 1953. -
Warsaw Pact
In response to NATO, the Communist nations:Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviety Union created their own alliance, except the Soviets were in direct control of Eastern Europe through the local communist parties. -
The Secret Speech
Khrushchev directly attacks Stalin's policies. This allows him to inevtiably remove all of the Stalin followers from the presidium, but also gives leeway to Eastern European communist leaders to govern as they felt fit. -
Khrushchev Era
Retreated fromStalinism. Tried to make Russia better for everyone, but did not deviate from an authoritarian rule. Lasted until the autumn of 1964 under Nikia Khrushchev. -
The Three Crises of 1956 (- Proved Strength of Superpowers)
Polish Crisis (Autumn) - Soviet nominee refused, but elected Communist leader of the Poles was just as good, if not better. Improved relations with Polish Roman Catholic Church and stopped Polish agriculture collectivation
Suez Crisis (Oct.) - Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal, superpowers refuse to help when war erupts, superpowers shown as true forces
Hungarian Uprising (Oct.) - Hungary tries to suceed from USSR and Warsaw Pact, Soviet troops take over and new leader placed.
All events proved- -
Sputnik launched
The first satellite is launched into space by the Soviets, stating that the USSR have better missiles now and much more. SPACE RACE. -
Khrushchev's Visit to the US
Khrushchev visits the US and the President visits Moscow as tensions lessen. -
Spyplane In Russia
U-2 American Recon Plane operated by US Air Force but CIA pilot was shot down. -
French Decolonization
After turmoil, chaos, and thousands of death in a possible Civil War, France grants Independence to Algeria in July 3, 1962. The reason France were fighting the Algerians Independence so hard is because of this: Vietnam. Vietnam did not end well for anyone after Ho Chi Minh took over and Vietnam was forced to cause a war. The Vietnam War. -
British Empire Collapses
AFter the loss of India, a new era was marked: the demise of empires. Decolonization was eminent for many empires and Britain was one of them, losing Burma, Sri Lanka, and more colonies in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. -
Berlin Wall
East Germans and Soviets erect a concrete wall along the East/West Berlin border seperating the two sides to prevent the people from leaving. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
USSR places nuclear missiles in Cuba after Castro takes over New Year's Day 1959. Eventually the threat ceased after the Soviet Union and the United States both concluded a nuclear test ban treaty. Marked the lessening tensions between the two superpowers. -
Test Ban Treaty
- All nuclear explosions banned, compromise between the superpowers.
Invasion of Czechoslovakia/Prague Spring
A show of Soviet force reiterating Soviet's would stop any attempt at liberalization after Dubeck attempted a liberal communism. Was aimed to lessen the hold of the USSR. -
The United States and Detente
1969-1974 Treaties signed and Tensions lessened between the US and the USSR, citizens rights recognized, and things seemed to be getting better. -
Vietnam War
1959 - 1975. North Vietnam versus South Vietnam and America. America was with South Vietnam because North Vietnam was communist. -
1968-1979. Negotions among USSR and US on limitations of nuclear weapons. -
Invasion of Afghanistan
Soviet-led Afghan forces vs multi-national insurgents (radicals such as the Taliban) trained by the United States and even assisted by China. -
Communism and Solidarity in Poland
Solidarity was the Union formed by the workers and others on strike in Poland after receiving courage from the new Pope being Polish. Poland was dealing with economic hardships still. Martial Law imposed once new leader for Polish Communist Party took over to prevent Soviet invasion. -
Revolution in Eastern Europe
Jan 11 - December 29, 1989. Major Revolutions occur all throughout Eastern Europe against the Communist powers. Hungary, Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Romania all undergo Revolution. Includes fall of Berlin Wall. -
The Fall of the USSR
After a failed coup attempt, later in the year, Gorbachev has no option but to step down as the communist regime falls with him.